View Full Version : New to this type of thing

22-02-13, 21:27
Hi, In November of last year I was signed off work with mild depression. I have to be fair but I did not think this could happen to me but it was my wife who noticed and at her suggestion I went to the doctors.
This is the longest I've been out of work since I started when I was 16, and I have to say I don't like it. My doctor started me on Citilopram (the largest dose) I'm not sure if it's doing anything for me accept that I'm not sleeping any more, he's now trying me on Mertazapine (?) Except after taking one pill I slept through the night but all day I felt awful, lathargic and aching like I've come down with a cold.
If anyone can tell me if there is anything else I could be trying that would not have these side effects I would be most greatful.

22-02-13, 21:35
How long have you been on citalopram? And what dose

22-02-13, 21:37
Hi Ash1969

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-02-13, 21:43
I was on 20mg from November but now been put up to 40mg about 2 months ago.

22-02-13, 21:57
So have you stopped the cit? And gone straight onto mirt.

If you have you could be having citalopram withdrawal hence feeling like you have flu,tired and aches.

23-02-13, 05:12
Hi ash welcome to NMP. Lots of answers and support on here mate

23-02-13, 22:30
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


23-02-13, 23:53
Thank you all for the responses I'm very grateful.
Clio51 my doctor has advised that I take the Mertazapine (15mg) with the citlapram but I believe that I was not drinking enough water because I did not have the same symptoms this morning.

24-02-13, 00:01
That's brilliant, carry one drinking the water lol. X

25-02-13, 16:11
Hello and :welcome:to the forum.

I've been on Mirtazapine for years. It does knock you out a bit early on but your body should adjust.

I feel a little groggy sometimes but it's worth it for the sleep.