View Full Version : Surgery rescheduled :-(

22-02-13, 22:22
I'm due to have some minor surgery and as an anxious person the prospect of this has shaken me a bit. I could have cried when the doctor told me I'd need a general anaesthetic . I was getting my head round everything and trying to keep myself calm but today have heard they are cancelling the date I was given and it has to be rescheduled. The uncertainty of not having a date is making me feel really panicky. Feel sick every time the phone rings in case they suddenly invite me in for it! I know my surgery isn't major or urgent but I'm anxious nonetheless. I feel like I've lost the little sense of control I felt about it all now I haven't got a date. I wish I could just chill out a bit but I'm finding it tricky!

22-02-13, 22:40
Same thing happened to my sister, she was having a,new hip. She was scared but also wanted it doing because she's in so much pain. She had things ready her son booked hols for when she comes out. out Only to get letter 6days before to say it's been cancelled and no other date!!

That's the nhs they just mess as round with your life. And you have no say.

23-02-13, 00:26
My surgery was canceled soo many times and I was in serious pain so it was very depressing when they kept changing dates on me.
Luckily my family helped me to go private and I finally got my surgery.
Keep calling them up until you get another date.