View Full Version : Please help...top of my head aches in the same spot

23-02-13, 00:56
I get throbbing aches in the top right side of my scalp, always this same spot, though sometimes its accompanied by pain in the lower back of my head and my neck feels strained. Pressing on my scalp where the pain is, relieves it. But at its worst it feels like something is pressing down hard on this spot and I can feel very weak & shaky when I get anxious about it. Sometimes it feels like my
nose is stuffed at the same time. Does anyone else experience this? What is it and what helps?

23-02-13, 12:43
Yes, I do and it is sinus...you actually have sinus on top of your head. Mine really hurts and the only think that relieves it is to put a microwavable wheat bag or hot water bottle on my head.

25-02-13, 02:47
Thank you, certainly sounds likely since I too can only get relief with a heat bag. Do you also get throbbing in the forehead and the eyebrows? I also get a puffy face which I'm convinced contributes to my anxiety because I just never feel right. Do you know what causes your sinus problems? I don't have any signs of an infection, but my nose is either always blocked or it's running like a tap & I'm sneezing like mad. An ENT looked up my nose & said there was no problems so I wonder if being tense & anxious does something to my nose. I also get aching in my neck. The aching in the neck with the top of head pain is the worst combination. I can handle the forehead throbbing & eyebrow pain better.
Does any of this sound familiar? Also, do you get relief when you apply pressure to the sore spot on your head? I also feel aching when I press on the two bones at the back of my head on either side. Can sinus be diet? And do you ever feel pressure behind your eyes? Bright lighting really aggravates this & causes panic episodes in shopping centres. Sorry for so many questions I'm just relieved that someone understands this pain, thank you again

25-02-13, 09:52
I do get relief when I apply pressure and also with heat pads. I have swelling under my eyses. Beconase nasal spray helps to relieve it and steam inhalation with a few menthol crystals in.