View Full Version : If only I could get through this latest scare...

23-02-13, 06:54
How many of us have said this? 'If only I could get through this latest scare I'll be fine'. It never works :( there's always something waiting around the corner to pounce out on you and scare you. I once actually really believed that everything would be OK if I could just sort out my current health worries, but I now realise that it just doesn't work like that and I will be forever getting new worries all the time. The hard part is coming to terms with this and finding ways to deal with it without freaking out every time my body decides to throw me a curveball.

But I've discovered one thing to be true,

Your body will NEVER be symptom free and if you're waiting for this unattainable goal you will never get rid of HA.

Everyone gets aches, pains, coughs, colds, twinges, twitches, weaknesses, shivers, shakes, lumps, bumps, bruises, scrapes and most people just ignore them, we focus on every single one, every change in our body. We need to be able to let this go and realise it's all part of life and we'll never be free from this fear if we don't accept that most of the time we'll be experiencing some sort of symptom just like everyone else, but that it's OK it's just how our bodies are.

Now if only I could take my own advice o_O

i love tea
23-02-13, 07:39
So true! Fantastic advice :) x

23-02-13, 10:08
I've most definitely said it on every occasion. Wish I could take your advice too. One day I hope we all get to that point :). Thanks for your post!

23-02-13, 11:58
I'm in a good place at the moment so sometimes for some of us, it works.
But I do know what you mean. it's true.
We need to keep supporting each other on here.

23-02-13, 16:59
You've hit the nail on the head. The number of times I've said oh if these symptoms would stop I'll be fine and can start living my life. Or if only I didn't have such and such a condition I could get on with things.

But like you say, someone without HA would either not notice minor symptoms or would see them for what they are - minor - and not some great big life-threatening condition.

Brill post :)