View Full Version : Feeling rather sensitive again after having a great couple of weeks

23-02-13, 08:36
Ok so I was with my mum who was cooking meat on the barbecue tonight and she asked me to get the egg cutter. I was wondering what an earth she was on about. Anyway after trying to figure out what she wanted I grabbed the black spachelr flipper thing. Mum told me that I should know what an egg cutter was by now. It really pinched a nerve and upset me. I felt like crying and I was feeling depressed and couldn't shake it.

Anyway when I asked dad if he heard of a egg cutter he had no idea what I or my mum was talking about and it made me feel better. It was just mum trying to explain the item in a bad way.

anyway I was also having panic thoughts about whether I did the right thing about studying to be a teacher. I have always wanted to be one. But I am self doubting my work skills as I notice I use to forget things sometimes in my old work place. I am not lazy I just genuinely forget about it. Its horrible and all I want is to work hard and be useful and hope others think Im useful.

I know this sounds bad but I think that my life will not be worth living if I am unable to become a teacher properly. I just don't want to be looked at as useless. But I think the problem is the more I focus on trying to be perfect when working the more I am likely to make a mistake.

Sorry I am ranting on, I had such a great last two weeks feel like I was getting somewhere and settling in at university and Ive made lots of new friends. Its just that sill incident that made me upset and feel down and then the anxiety of thinking whether I will be good enough in my chosen career.

Does anyone get like this? I may go back to my doctor if it gets worse during the week but hopefully I will be alright.

23-02-13, 12:57
Firstly I am really jealous of you having a barbecue while I am freezing and thinking about clearing snow of the drive! :D I don't know what an egg cutter is either. You know what though it is sometimes the slightest little things that can set our anxiety away and then we start to over analyse everything :(. Just think of it as a little blip and try to focus on the positives. I am sure you will start to feel stronger again soon :hugs:

23-02-13, 17:58
Hi PinkRoxy, I echo Annie's jealousy, it's freezing here!

I can be just like this when I am feeling low (especially if hormones are also involved). I always tend to cry at inappropriate times - I'll get through really tough stuff ok and then someone will be a little sharp with me and I start to cry and can't stop.

Sounds like you're doing some really good work with your teacher training. Of course you forget things sometimes, you're a human being! I always used to have a problem admitting when I didn't know something at work. Then a few years ago something changed and now I say "That's a really good question....I don't know the answer offhand but I'll find out for you". And as long as you do find out, you are still respected. I also remember when I was a student having respect for teachers who would admit they didn't know everything. Don't worry and don't beat yourself up - you're doing fine :hugs:

---------- Post added at 17:58 ---------- Previous post was at 17:57 ----------

P.S. I have no idea what an egg cutter is either. :D

23-02-13, 21:31
Hi Pink Roxy
I just Googled 'egg cutter' - convinced there would be no such thing as I am amongst the throngs of people above who have never heard of one. Do you know what, you should be glad you never heard of it. Looks like the kind of useless, unnecessary equipment designed for people with nothing else to think about (apologies to your Mum). Especially people who are at uni getting themsleves educted to do one of the most important and worthwhile jobs - such as a teacher!!!!!
As for forgetting things - it's normal and human. You're not a robot and I agree with Sunshine about people being more respected becuase they aren't perfect. What shines through with you is that you are strong, clever amd you care. And thank the lord you have no idea what an egg cutter is. You are amongs like minded people (who care about you) .
Lots of love

23-02-13, 21:40
Ahhh! An egg slicer, we had one when I was a child (many, many years ago :)) I know what it is now. Actually it was quite useful :D
I am sure you will be a great teacher Pinkroxy and I am pleased you have made lots of friends at uni..you will do great :)

23-02-13, 21:44
Sorry Annie! Didn't mean to be rude. :blush:

23-02-13, 21:47
Sorry Annie! Didn't mean to be rude. :blush:

I don't think you were being rude at all :) I wasn't sure what it was until you said you had looked it up so I did the same and remembered what it was :D

23-02-13, 21:49
I guess I'm not the egg cutter/slicer type. Not bad with an egg whisk though. :Dxx

23-02-13, 22:14
Lol you all are funny. Thanks for all your support. I do believe though that a lot of my depression and feeling upset easily does have a lot to do with hormones. I think I have too much estrogen at times as I notice when I get that emotional my maternal instincts increases. Such as I feel more motherly its really weird actually.

Anyway all that happened is that mum was trying to explain something that she didn't know the name of. But I am ok today anyway and yes I know its normal for people to forget things I guess I just worry too much and hope I will be alright. My anxiety is worse when I try and do things right because I am so focused on it.

Thanks everyone. I hope you all are well :)

24-02-13, 09:19
I am sure you are right about hormones and I know they play a big part in my anxiety and I also get upset by the littlest things then I look back and think why did I get so anxiou about that :)

24-02-13, 09:26
Ahh! An egg-slicer! With lots of metal strings, right? We had one when I was a child and I used to twang the strings like it was a musical instrument!

Glad you're feeling better PinkRoxy and that our collective obsession with identifying the egg cutter has cheered you up :roflmao:

24-02-13, 11:00
Ahh! An egg-slicer! With lots of metal strings, right? We had one when I was a child and I used to twang the strings like it was a musical instrument!

Glad you're feeling better PinkRoxy and that our collective obsession with identifying the egg cutter has cheered you up :roflmao:

Sunshine I did the same with ours! I seem to recall that they all ended up out of shape after all my twanging :roflmao:

24-02-13, 20:50
Yes! Wonky hard boiled eggs galore :D

25-02-13, 21:41
your egg slicer is nothing to do with the thing mum described to me. For some reason I am feeling really anxious about handing in my first assignment. I don't have a problem with doing it I can do it I just feel really bad at the thought of handing it in and wondering what results I get. I am really scared about failing the assignment I know I probably wont but the thought is there and its not making me feel good at them moment. Also I am having problems with pains in my digestive system such as tummy aches and painful bowels which is not making me feel great either.

25-02-13, 21:56
It sounds like you may have ibs with all the anxiety :( I know what it is like waiting to get marked assignments back but you have been working really hard and I am sure you will have done well, try to think positive about it. Have you drank chamomile tea before? It will help to calm you and also help to settle your tummy :hugs::hugs::hugs:

25-02-13, 22:50
Thanks Annie. Yeah I hope so my first one is due to be handed in on the 17th March but it just sounds so scary. I hope I do alright too.

---------- Post added at 11:50 ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 ----------

Also I have tried chamomile tea and I don't really like it it tastes weird but I do like peppermint tea.

26-02-13, 09:22
I drink gallons of peppermint tea and it has the same effect.

Waiting for any kind of results is really hard and with it being your first assignment you're bound to be feeling the pressure. Just remember you can only do your best!

28-02-13, 06:19
Im not having a good week. Im feeling quite emotional and down at the moment. My sinuses are playing up and so are my bowels and tummy.

I feel like with the problems my body gives me its not worth living at with them. I hope I am able to feel better soon its just right now its so hard. Life is not worth the pain it gives me.

I am not going to act on suicide or anything Im just feeling yucky that's all. Im sorry to bother you all with this.

28-02-13, 08:09
Don't be sorry in fact as my week has gone on I am feeling much the same. I have sinus pain and a really bad sore throat. Had about 2 hours sleep last night and feel really yuck :( I hope we both get well soon :hugs::hugs::hugs: x

01-03-13, 03:44
Thanks Annie
I went to the doctor today and I am badly constipated so got some tablets to take with the syrup Im taking. My sinuses aren't infected which is good and just got some more flixonase. I hope to feel better once my body starts feeling better.

I hope you will feel better soon too.

01-03-13, 08:38
Thanks Annie
I went to the doctor today and I am badly constipated so got some tablets to take with the syrup Im taking. My sinuses aren't infected which is good and just got some more flixonase. I hope to feel better once my body starts feeling better.

I hope you will feel better soon too.
Hopefully you feel well soon. I have tonsillitis, really ill :(