View Full Version : Taking the first steps to Right Steps

23-02-13, 09:07
When I went to see my GP yesterday she gave me details about a Support group in my area - Wakefield,West Yorkshire. At the time I was all yes that's brilliant will definitely go along there if it will help,
24 hours later its become another thing to get worked up about - should I ring first, do I just drop in - I am on sick from work what if someone see me and thinks I am skiving.

I would like to go as I think it will help but I am scared to.


23-02-13, 09:24
I think if I was in your situation I would ring the support group before I went then I no they would be expecting me. Remember that the people in these supports groups see people like you and me everyday and no that you will be nervous and anxious!! its easier said then done I no but I do think that 1st step will be really worth taking. good luck

23-02-13, 09:30
Think most of us can understand why you are getting het up about it. But. It sounds like it could be really beneficial. I'd also ring first too, it will help settle your mind some. It's one less thing to worry about anyway. I hope you manage to do it, and it helps.

Best of luck!

23-02-13, 13:38
If you call or email first, one of the group leaders will be able to look out for you and help you settle in. In the unlikely event that someone from work did see you, you could explain to your manager that it's a support group. I think a lot of employers would be glad if you went to a support group if it means you could recover more quickly. While you are off sick, you are allowed to do whatever you need and go where ever you need in order to get better - it's not the same as being off sick with the flu, where your employer would expect you to stay at home all the time. I hope you'll find the group helpful. :)

23-02-13, 20:00
It can't do any harm to ring first. They should be expecting mew people to be nervous and should help make things easier for you.

You are allowed to go out while off sick. Your doctor has advised this! If you don't want to explain about the support group, you could always say you were visiting friends. Having an explanation prepared might make you feel more comfortable about attending, even though you have no need to explain why you go out.

23-02-13, 21:53
I went to a support group years ago and I was so nervous! Once the first session if out the way it gets a lot easier!

Don't worry about people thinking you're skiving. You don't have a bug or broken leg, getting out the house is much better than staying at home all day. When I was last on sick I visited my in-laws nearly everyday.