View Full Version : Problem with porn

23-02-13, 12:25
Hello, I'm Martin. I'm not sure exactly why I'm posting this to be honest - in the sense of what I'm hoping to get from it - but I suppose this is in part a confession and in part a request for help. I imagine my specific situation to be a fairly curious one, but all the same am hoping there might be somebody out there who is dealing with the same sort of problems.
Essentially, what is bothering me seems to be a kind of psychosomatic disorder caused by feelings of shame. Specifically, the shame I feel after using online pornography to masturbate to. Just to be clear, I'm not talking here about anything even slightly out of the ordinary or unpleasant - just the "run of the mill" straight pornography you can find on any of the popular video sites. These days I use it very rarely - maybe once every 3-6 months - because of the odd effect it has on me, which is more or less as follows: to begin with, I feel my heart starting to race; then, I feel my gut tighten (it does so to the extent that in the days that follow an "episode" I am unable to have a normal bowel movement and feel stomach cramps). This is accompanied by a feeling of constriction in my throat (in fact my voice seems to raise a tone), and upper body, a sense of heat, particularly in my hands), pins and needles in my limbs, joint pains and a general feeling of malaise, irritability, and an inability to concentrate. The feelings generally pass after 3 or 4 days, but in the meantime, although not unbearable, they definitely affect the way I live, making me antisocial (I avoid contact with friends) and unproductive at work. I feel sure that the source of these espisodes must be some sort of conflict I cannot reconcile between my rational and impulsive selves: on an intellectual level, I dislike many aspects of pornography and feel it to be an unrewarding and damaging way of spending my time, but at a basic sexual level, I can't help but enjoy the stuff. To avoid suffering from the symptoms, I have learnt to go without porn for long periods by reducing my sexual urge (by having sex with my girlfriend, who I am very much in love with, or by masturbating without porn) but eventually I give in (often, for obvious reasons, if my girlfriend is away), and take a look. And when I do, back come all the problems I mention above, which I'm guessing are fairly typical of panic or anxiety attacks in general. As I say above, the symptoms tend to go away after three or four days, but recently (the last year or so) I have suffered from some kind of weird pelvic pain syndrome (diagnosed by the urologists I have seen as "prostatitis"), which I can't help feeling must be a consequence of the accumulated stress my body has been subjected to during these episodes. I expect the reasons I have this strong reaction to pornography are buried deep in my psyche and that the only real solution will be to speak to a psychologist and hammer out my sexual and moral "issues" with him or her, but I thought it would be interesting to post on this forum in the hope that someone might be able to give me some ideas or advice, or maybe even recognize these symptoms. Thanks, Martin

23-02-13, 13:24
Hi Martin, what an honest post! I am feeling emotional now after reading it, and had to reply.

I have serious problems with sex. There, I said it. I understand exactly the feelings and sensations you describe, but I feel that way about sex in general. Well, with someone I love anyway, kind of hard to explain. Ok, let me blunt. Casual sex with someone I don't really know is fine, but maintaining a sexual relationship is a big problem for me and always has been. I am in conflict. Every relationship I've ever had, the sex is fine for the first couple of months, then I can't do it anymore. It feels, wrong, dirty, disgusting... then I leave the relationship. In so much as I have always had no problem walking away from relationships, becoming unable to have sex with a partner has been no big deal I guess. Until now, because I do actually love my husband very much. We have only been together for 2 years, we married after 10 months together. This time, I don't want to walk away. But the same old feeling resurfaced some time ago. I won't go into detail about how I feel and the thoughts I have, it's basically coming from the same place that your own issues are.

My thing is sex with someone I love, yours is using porn. My issue makes me feel dirty, guilty, wrong, shameful, all of those things. No matter how many times I tell myself that it's a perfectly natural thing to do/share with someone, I just can't get over the bad feelings. In the same way, using porn in the way you do is perfectly natural, not bad or wrong at all.

So, I have an appointment with a sexual assault counselling service next month... my gp and mental health nurse just aren't sure how to help me, and while I'm waiting for assessment for psychotherapy they thought it would be worth referring me to this other service - because I suffered some abuse as a child. I'm not sure if that's why I am the way that I am, or if some silly comment when I was little planted a seed of shame about the whole thing. Basically, for me sex is not something to share with the man I love, it's too dirty for that. Sex and relationship do not go together in my psyche.

I don't know if this will help at all, I just wanted to show you that you are not alone. There is so much more to this for me, too much to go into in this post, I think you'll understand where I'm coming from with that. The only thing I can say is, you have taken a huge step just by writing about how you feel - well done for that. The next step should maybe be some type of talk therapy/psychotherapy to see if you can get to the bottom of why you feel the way you do? That's what I'm waiting for myself.


Oh, your comment about rational and impulsive - I HATE my body for having impulses that I haven't 'said' it can have, I hate my body for doing or feeling anything that I haven't chosen for it do or feel. I must be in full control of my mind and body at all times, but that's a whole other story!

23-02-13, 14:30
Hi Angelai, thanks for taking the time to write and for being so open and kind. It certainly does sound like the two problems come from similar places. When I try to think rationally about porn, I often conclude that the main reason I react the way I do is because of the way it depicts relationships between men and women, and because of the horribly narrow view of the world it expresses. But while it may well be true that porn does these things, I can't help suspecting that in reality this is just me attempting to distract myself away from the fundamental issue, which is that, for one reason or another, somewhere inside of me, I (or a part of me) must feel that sex is shameful and dirty. As you say, trying to convince yourself that this is not true is of little or no effect, so long as there is that inner voice constantly saying the opposite. Personally, although I have learned to cope by ignoring or suppressing the urge to watch porn (and I have to say, I live so much better when I am able to do this), in a sense this is really only skirting the issue, which it would probably be much better to confront with the help of a psychologist, as you suggest. Have you ever had any help along those lines or would the psychotherapy be the first step? It's good that you've talked to your GP about it - I haven't done anything like that yet but I think I would like to.
Thanks again, Martin