View Full Version : Feel quite down

23-02-13, 16:27
First off I want to explain my situation which contributes to the depression. I'm in a long distance relationship that's been going on for about 6 years now and I'm happy and everything and everything is going good but now I'm old enough to move out I want to move to his house which is about 100 miles away from my own.

I have a difficult family and some of them have even said they'd try to stop me from moving, them saying that won't stop me though. Every time I even mention it there's silence and sometimes I get dirty looks from them. Has anyone ever been in this situation? Or even if you know of anything I could do to make this easier when the time comes for me to actually move out, would be appreciated. Don't want to go with bad feelings :weep:

Apart from that I feel down about my anxiety, I'm usually fine now with panic attacks since I've been on medication for it but I still get it when I need to see a doctor or have any tests done. I have appointments coming up next week and I keep worrying over them, I also have a MRI scan coming up that worries me to death sometimes because I just hate those machines.

Just me having a bit of a moan :) thanks for reading.

24-02-13, 11:06
Why don't you ask for an open MRI?:)

Daisy Sue
24-02-13, 11:10
First off I want to explain my situation which contributes to the depression. I'm in a long distance relationship that's been going on for about 6 years now and I'm happy and everything and everything is going good but now I'm old enough to move out I want to move to his house which is about 100 miles away from my own.

I have a difficult family and some of them have even said they'd try to stop me from moving, them saying that won't stop me though. Every time I even mention it there's silence and sometimes I get dirty looks from them. Has anyone ever been in this situation? Or even if you know of anything I could do to make this easier when the time comes for me to actually move out, would be appreciated. Don't want to go with bad feelings :weep:

Apart from that I feel down about my anxiety, I'm usually fine now with panic attacks since I've been on medication for it but I still get it when I need to see a doctor or have any tests done. I have appointments coming up next week and I keep worrying over them, I also have a MRI scan coming up that worries me to death sometimes because I just hate those machines.

Just me having a bit of a moan :) thanks for reading.

Do you know the reasons behind your family's attitude to you moving out?

Maybe you should just do it... if you feel secure about your relationship, and you feel old enough and independent enough, then it might well be time for you to make the break. If you can reassure your family on their points of worry, all the better, but if not.... it's your life.

You might even find that your anxiety calms down after too, as this stress might be making it worse.

24-02-13, 11:13
As a Mother of now grown up children who have all left home, I can understand it from both sides. I find it hard that one of my sons has moved a 4 hour drive away and is now thinking of moving with his wife to another country (where her parents live). I would never however stand in their was and try to persuade them otherwise. Even if I thought they were making a mistake. I might give a little advise but I realise that I need to let them live their own lives even if it is not the decision I would choose. All you can do is talk to your family and explain your choices. Even if they are still not happy I am sure they will come round to accepting your decision as they won't want to lose you. x

24-02-13, 16:47
Thanks for replying. I feel like I will just do it eventually, just keep getting put off now and again by my family but I feel like there's no other choice because it is affecting my mood and my anxiety now. I know they will worry that they will lose me because I'm so far away, I understand all that. I'm sure everything will sort itself out eventually :)