View Full Version : New here advice about anxiety

23-02-13, 20:32
Hi I'm new here my names Laura and I'm 27 and I think I suffer with anxiety/health anxiety I haven't been to see my gp yet as to be honest I'm embarrassed and don't know what to say especially when I have a day where I'm not felling to bad I've thought I suffered for a while
And I don't really know what triggered it here are some examples .
I always worry about what people think about me constantly I'm shy anyway nd don't really know how to make new friends as I constantly worry how people will take me so ten to spend time alone with my children or the friends I already have I have what I think is some form of tinnitus think its called pulsation I can hear my heart whooshing and beating and it usually comes on when I'm feeling anxious about something or over worrying, when I got out to the shops I'm constantly watching my seven year old for fear of him wandering off or somebody taking him etc I make sure all my windows are closed at night and doors are locked as I always think about crazy things people coming in the house and kidnapping the kids (mad I know) I always have random thoughts about what would happen if I crashed or what about If I die what will happen to my kids I'm constantly worried about my health checking my moles for any signs of skin cancer etc and the newest one is I have very blood shot eyes lately I'm not sure wether its down to feeling. Anxious making it worse but I'm now convinced they look yellow and have done my usual thing of googling and now I'm convinced I have some sort of liver disease and I'm going to die and need to ring my gp ASAP on Monday it's scaring me I can't stop thinking about it and googling it and finding even worse things my eczema has flared up in the last few weeks and I know it's prob due to worrying these are just some of the few things going on I just want some advice of how others deal with it and how to approach my gp and wether you think these are signs of anxiety?? :shrug:

23-02-13, 20:56
Welcome to the forum! :D

A sudden awareness of the heartbeat due to an irregularity is called a palpitation not a pulsation, it's extremely common in people with anxiety to have. Tinnitus is just a ringing in your ears you can get randomly or after listening to loud sounds for an extended period of time.

And sure plenty of what you've said could be signs of anxiety but that doesn't mean you should avoid going to the doctor if something is worrying you (health wise). I personally still haven't gone to my GP about my anxiety but after my next visit (this Monday) for my current paranoia episode I'll probably ask about therapy to help with my anxiety too since it'll probably make deal with any actual affliction easier.

23-02-13, 21:50
I get palpatations everyday I just feel like my mind is constantly racing and worrying about things that dont need to be worried about but I cant help it it wears me out and makes me so tired at times I say all the time im gonna go and talk to my gp I never build up the courage to do it I havent told anyone either as I thinkbthe wont understand is just an everyday part of my life ive alwayd been a natural worrier but as ive got older its got worse everyyhing that gpes wrong I convince myself ive got a life threatning diesease and when I google about mh eyes it comes up jaundice or liver diesease or liver cancer :(

23-02-13, 22:31
Hey Im 26 and I have a 2 year old daughter although I don't seem to worry about house security or the fact someone will take her but I do worry that I have something seriously wrong with me so I wont see her grow up.
Daft I know but i love her so much and want the best for her so every day I battle health anxiety i was also convinced the other day that the whites of my eyes were going yellow and i though i had a liver problem oh and having sharp pains in my left breast i was also convinced i was having a heart attack I went to the doctors and was told everything was normal.4
i go into the doctors panicking and always come out relieved you think I would l; learnt by now its pure anxiety.
i have completed a course of CBT and it has helped me immensely as now on a Friday I go out with friends where as before i wouldn't go out alone unless I was being driven by my partner or a trusted family member.
each day is a battle but If you test and push yourself every day things do get easier.4
im currently in a rut where I cant be bothered to move but I know i need to pull myself together again and every body has good and bad days.

---------- Post added at 22:31 ---------- Previous post was at 22:28 ----------

forgot to mention i went through months of palpitations, blurred vision and feeling ill it is all self conflicted and in my mind just be strong and go to the doctors there is no shame and as i have learnt you are certainly not alone.

24-02-13, 23:50
Thank you today was not such a bad day as I was busy do family things but its now at night I cant switch off I lay here before going to sleep thinking of stupid things that I know are silly but I cant control it im really freaked out by the thought of getting old and one day I wont be here and that my kids are getting older and they wil be adults before I know it then what will I do with my life they are my world sometimes it takes over and I feel like I could actually cry if I let myself but the sensible part of me kicks in and tells myself to stop being pathetic I hate night times like this :(