View Full Version : Worried about cancer all the time

23-02-13, 20:44
Hi I have never posted on here before but could really do with some advice as I am really struggling and don't know where to turn. I have had health anxiety for a long time now but has been worse since my dad died of cancer in 2010. I am constantly worried about getting cancer and am always looking out for symptoms and checking for anything abnormal. I can't talk to my husband or family anymore as they just get cross with me and say there is nothing wrong. At the moment I am worried I have throat cancer as I have coughed up some blood in my phlegm. This happened a few months ago after a cold and I went to my doctor who said it wasn't anything to worry about and did a chest x ray which came back clear. This week I have had a cold and this morning I coughed up some mucous with blood in it just like last time. I think it is coming from my throat which looks really red on one side and I can't stop looking at my throat and trying to bring up more mucous to see if there is blood in it. I keep googling even though I know this is not a good thing to do. I am just in a state and so worried. If any one has any advice or kind words I would be so grateful as I feel really on my own right now. Thank you.

23-02-13, 20:57
Big hugs hun, I am 100% sure the blood will be from your sore throat, please try not to worry, easier said than done i know xx

23-02-13, 21:10
Thank you :)

23-02-13, 22:04
Hey. I got that too before and was so scared. Turned out my throat was just so irritated from being sore, coughing, and throwing up. Completely normal. Don't worry :)

24-02-13, 15:40
I know it Is crazy to say not to worry. I carry this fear in me as we'll. it seems like everyone around me knows someone etc... You know how to finish that statement. I just finished up with the doc cause I have been having trouble for months with my latest C scare. Fortunately the doctors that I use are very compassionate. They just tell me you don't have any symptoms or we would refer you to the next level. Very reassuring at the time but then my monkey brain ( as my Chinese doctor says) starts working on me again and bingo back in a state WTH now. To answer your question yes I have coughed up blood and mucous when I have have the dreaded ear nose and throat infection. I also suffer allergies to a certain degree and this can cause some very strange bloody things to appear sometimes out my nose sometimes my throat but I have been scoped and tested and all is said to be well. I hope this helps settle your fears.

24-02-13, 16:03
Try not to worry I have been obsessed thinking of blood in my phlegm or spit when my anxiety levels are high I use to spit in to my hands to check
Disgusting I know but couldn't stop doing it x

25-02-13, 17:22
Thank you all so much for replies. It really helps to know that others can relate to this terrible anxiety- although I wouldn't wish it on anyone! I have done the same- spitting and obsessively checking through what comes out to look for signs of blood. It sounds crazy but it seems the only way to get reassurance at the time! I have booked a doctors appointment for Wednesday as from experience this usually helps to relieve the anxiety. Has any one else had cbt for health anxiety? I have had about 20weeks but I still get horribly anxious even though its less often now. I just can't bear the uncertainty surrounding getting ill and dying. I feel as though I'm going mad with it sometimes :)

25-02-13, 21:24
"I just can't bear the uncertainty surrounding getting ill and dying." You hit the nail on the head with that! I feel exactly the same. Everyday feels like I either MUST have cancer or I'm going mad!