View Full Version : hello fellow sufferers

23-02-13, 22:18
hi all
i had my first panic attack in august last year and thought i was dieing went to a&e had tests then got sent home sufferd with palpatations all that weekend and then went to my docotor on the tues as it was bank holiday weekend unlucky for me anyway been to see a cardiologist and he doesnt wnt to see me anymoor so
last saturday night i felt the inclins of a panic attak but nothing serious well felt rubbish sunday ended up in a&e sunday night with a panic attack with burning in my left arm which ive never had before had test and then they sent me home monday i felt rubbish again and monday night got a little worse but i was ok i had to go for a heart scan apponitment that the cardiologist arranged for on tuesday so i just thought oh im just worried about that all was fine scan was fine and i thought ok thats it im fine but no tuesday night i ended up at a&e again with palputations because i called the out of hours doctor because i couldnt put up with the palputations no more and he said he couldnt do anything just go to a&e grrr they did all the same tests again and then sent me home 6 hours later

since then i have seen my gp she said i can try anti depressants and prescribed sertraline 50 mg 1 a day but i dont want to take them as the side effect can increase anxiety which i dont need right now
i tried kalms and im sure they made me worse anyone else had this effect please ?

as i am still getting the shakes feeling sick now and again and palputations now and again and last night when i went to bed i kept getting the feeling of dread when i laid down so couldnt go to sleep again

i think its gone and then the palputations come back again but not bad just enough so i can feel them grrr

anyway will this ever go away does cbt work and i have been tring to face it and say bring it on when it happens do you think this works please

many thanks frosty x:weep:

23-02-13, 22:24
Hey Frosty,
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


23-02-13, 22:28
Hi frosty2901

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-02-13, 08:08
Hi Frosty

Welcome to the site - By now you will have realised that you are not alone in what you are going through (and I did find comfort in that). I have battled with anxiety for about 15 years the first time it crept up out of no where and for a while blighted my life - with all sorts of weird and wonderful symptoms. At that time GP's were not as supportive as they are now so I was worried about seeking medical advice and I was dubious of medication as you hear lots of horror stories but at that point in time I had become so bad that I would have chopped off my arm if it would have stopped the horrible feelings. I took sertraline and although it takes time to kick in it did make me feel better - I was also prescribed beta blockers which helped as they curb feeling of dread and tremors. I had to take a few weeks off work but managed to return to a relatively normal life - and came of the medications after about 6 months. Since then I have managed the anxiety by a number of techniques Yoga, plenty of fresh air and exercise ( I keep 2 horses) and If I feel the starts of a panic episode I find distraction is the best thing. I doesn't always
work but by taking one day at a time I think ok so I feel bad today but it will be better tomorrow and I try to stay away from stressful situations.
I had a big blip in my life - and it all crept back up on me this week but that was down to be having to change jobs after 18 years - 2 days in to my new job I came home feeling reasonably ok relaxing watching TV and then bang !!! feelings of fear, tremors, shakes, chest pains everything just peaked - Its worse when it happens at night you try to sleep and the panic just takes over your body refusing to allow you to relax. I had to go off sick so I am now probably out of a job - went back to the docs and she put me back on the beta blockers and sertraline - and I am on day 3. Yesterday I felt OK today I have woke feeling very anxious but I am sure the beta blockers stop those sensations from escalating - and tomorrow might be a better day. Don't be worried about taking medication if it helps get rid of some of those terrible feelings then its worth it.
Take care
Sue xx

24-02-13, 12:09
Hi all

and thanks for the replys I have found it a great comfort to know other people have been through and are going through the same
I was told about propranolol but don't think I can take them as I have slight asthma any one else take these who have asthma

Again many thanks frosty x

24-02-13, 14:31
Hi Frosty,

As you said, antidepressants can increase anxiety temporarily. However, you can minimise this by taking 25mg a day for 2 weeks and then moving to 50mg. You can also ask for liquid sertraline if you need to build up even slower.

If you can't tolerate propranolol you could maybe ask for some diazepam if things get bad? The GPs don't like prescribing them as they can be addictive but they may give you them if things are bad.

I find that chamomile or valerian tea has a soothing effect. With chamomile, try to have around 5 cups a day. I think it does actually take the edge of anxiety and tension. Caffeine/processed sugar can also provoke palpitations and anxiety so try to limit these if possible :)

24-02-13, 14:41
Welcome to the forums. Very good advice from Emphyrio - I recommend trying what he has suggested. :)

24-02-13, 14:48
Welcome to the forums Frosty.Lots of people here in similar situations.

25-02-13, 16:08
Hi. Welcome aboard Frosty. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

25-02-13, 16:41
Hi Frosty,you are in the right place and already you have had some good feedback and i am sure you will get more help. Good Luck