View Full Version : Can symptoms remain after anxiety goes?

24-02-13, 11:09

Over the last 9 months or so I have been suffering with a lot of stress and anxiety over various issues. About 9 months ago I started getting symptoms such as heart palpitations, tight, burning head/scalp and tingling in my arm and face. I now believe that these symptoms came about because of anxiety I was dealing with, however I became really frightened of all of these symptoms and this made them worse. I eventually got it under control and the symptoms went away. However, more recently I have been under a lot of stress and I have been experiencing burning on the inside of my head, which I have put down to stress after reading about it online. However, over the last few weeks, things in my life have sorted themselves out and I am no longer stressed, and feel much more happier with the way things are. However the burning in my head is still present pretty much every day. My question basically is, is it possible that this burning is still remaining because of the recent stress, even though I no longer physically feel stressed?! Has anybody else had a similar experience where symptoms have remained after anxiety/stress has been relieved? I am becoming worried that maybe the burning is to do with something else and that I should go and see my GP.

Thank you!

Daisy Sue
24-02-13, 11:15
I would say that yes, if the burning was part of your anxiety symptoms, then it probably is still just that lurking around.

I know we don't have to consciously be aware that we're anxious for the underlying anxiety to actually be there, and sometimes it displays little subtle symptoms. It might take quite a long time for the anxiety to truly go back to a normal calm state. Thing is, if you're worrying about this symptom, you could bring the anxiety back properly so I'd agree that visiting your gp is probably a good idea, if only for that reassurance.

25-02-13, 16:03
I would also say yes. I've been stressed so much over something that happened in November and that was the climax of my anxiety. I've been losing hair and even though I don't suffer from full panic attacks, I still experience headaches. Do you take medication for anxiety? It would really help, especially if you still feel the effects