View Full Version : nerve compression, Pins and needles?

24-02-13, 15:23
Does anyone find that they get pins and needles really easily now, for instance I can have my leg in a weird position or be lying on my arm, and I get pins and needles far more easily than I used to. Should I worry about this??

26-02-13, 00:28
Yes, that happens to me!! U think its anxiety?!?!

26-02-13, 22:05
Well possibly as I heard that my nerves could be over sensitized, I don't really know, my doctor fails to see it as a real symptom

26-02-13, 22:44
I am suffering with numbness, tingling etc today and I am wondering the same as you, if it can really be anxiety, so I have been googling, I know I shouldn't but I always ask the right questions, many sites talk about numbness, pins and needles etc to due with anxiety, so it definately can be. I also have a good friend who suffers from this and her doc told her anxiety, best to always get it checked out like you did.

X Betty X

26-02-13, 23:01
i can rest on my hand for a minuite and i cant feel it,so yes probably down to nerves/tension.

26-02-13, 23:26
Thanks Guys

27-02-13, 13:50
I suffer with tennis elbow which comes and goes as it pleases, much to my annoyance! it seemed to be aggravated more when i'm anxious, which gives me pins and needles in my fingers and forearm, so i'd say yes..