View Full Version : Twitching eyebrow

08-09-06, 10:39
I've had a twitch in the corner of my right eyebrow now for about 6 weeks and it's driving me mad. You cant see it, it's quite slight. I thought at first it was due to us moving house (we completed 3 weeks ago), but it's still there. I had an MRI about 2 months ago for something different so know there is nothing wrong but just wasn't expecting it to last this long [B)]

08-09-06, 14:31
i get twitching when i'm anxious and moving house is a very anxious time even after you've moved theres still things to sort out and getting used to a new place so maybe this is making your eyebrow twitch


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

polly daydream
08-09-06, 18:22
Hi Jenny, sounds like a nerve twitching to me, I had the same thing 2 years ago.

Take care,


09-09-06, 06:27

You didn't mention whether you are taking any medication(s). It is not common but some meds or more importantly some combinations of meds can cause symptoms you describe. If you are on meds, I recommend you mention your twitch to your GP. It may of course simply be a symptom of anxiety so please don't be overly concernd - justr check it out with a professional if you think there may bve an adverse med reaction.


april tones
10-09-06, 16:45
I get this due to something else, what about lack of sleep? this triggers mine? xxx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

10-09-06, 18:08
i get like pings in my body and was explaining it to my brother........he said his doc told him its neurolagia......from the nerve system his eye would always twitch but it will pass...best to ya .........Linda[8D]