View Full Version : Need PEN PAL USA

24-02-13, 15:54
I am a male with a HA that can get pretty bad. Looking for a lady to email. I am married and love my wife but feel embarrassed when I talk to her about these things. I have a lot of male friends but cannot talk to other Men because as men we don't seem to understand weakness in each other. I work in a male dominated industry where you are pretty much gauged by your physical and mental strength. I put USA cause that is where I am but would talk to any compassionate caring person

16-03-13, 04:20
I see you posted awhile ago, and hope you haven't given up, because I think I could be an understanding friend for you. I have some experience dealing with HA in my partner and in myself (mirroring him). Will a Canadian lady do? :)

16-03-13, 12:28
I sent you a PM not sure I did it right. If you didn't get it yes I am interested

16-03-13, 23:54
Yes, I got it. I replied. :)