View Full Version : Strange Symptom?

24-02-13, 16:19
I've recently started back on my Citalopram after fracturing my ankle and being stuck inside resulted in my Depression and Anxiety returning like a freight train. You'll all be happy to know by mood has been leveled out nicely, and things are going relatively good. However recently I've been having a strange symptom, could anybody shed some light on whether it's Anxiety?

Basically I'll get random flash backs, or I'll look at something I see everyday and it'll feel 'Alien' as if I've never seen it before but I know exactly what it is and where it is. I've started thinking this morning perhaps it's just ruminating on the vivid dreams I've been having.

Any advice would be amazing,

Thanks guys! x

24-02-13, 17:41
I've recently started Citalopram again and I've definitely felt different since taking them three weeks ago. I keep getting vivid dreams and not being able to tell the different between dream and reality!

If it's too much then see your doctor, otherwise yes they are symptoms from the meds :)

24-02-13, 17:44
My main symptom of citalopram was and stil is vivid dreams I considered coming off them because of it but 4 months later they aren't every night anymore x

24-02-13, 21:34
Something I have noticed with Citalopram is that suddenly an image or some text will appear in my head as if I have just seen it in front of me. The first couple of times I spent ages looking around me to see where I had noticed it - but nothing.

Either I am completely bonkers or this is closely related to your "nothing makes sense" feeling! Been on them for around 4-5 weeks now I think x

05-03-13, 00:32
Something I have noticed with Citalopram is that suddenly an image or some text will appear in my head as if I have just seen it in front of me. The first couple of times I spent ages looking around me to see where I had noticed it - but nothing.

Either I am completely bonkers or this is closely related to your "nothing makes sense" feeling! Been on them for around 4-5 weeks now I think x

Yes! this is almost exactly what I have. I will get a random flash of a dream I'd had, or an area that feels familiar

05-03-13, 09:22
It's eased off a bit actually since I last posted - are you still getting it a lot?