View Full Version : So scared

24-02-13, 19:16
I've got to go for an ultra sound scan on Wednesday , I've been having a lot of upper side pain & lower stomach pain & pain in my back & ribs for ages now, I've convinced my self I've got ovarian cancer. Keep crying all the time & can't focus on anything else apart from the dreaded C word, I'm driving my husband mad : ( any reassurance would be much appreciated : ' (

24-02-13, 19:23
If it was ovarian cancer you would have other symptoms. Have you had any blood tests previous to the scan. If your GP thought it was anything more serious then you have been sent for a scan before now. You say you have had these pains for ages and I am sure it is nothing serious. It could be gall stones or it could just be tension pains from anxiety. You don't have long to wait now until Wednesday and then you can be reassured. x

24-02-13, 19:27
I hope everything goes well, and you can try relax yourself before the scan. I can't offer anything else other then a good luck, fingers crossed, and all the best! Really hope it's nothing serious :).

24-02-13, 19:33
Thank you both I've had some blood test these were fbc, liver, thyroid , bone, renal, cholesterol they have all come back ok, do you think if it was anything more sinister it would have shown up in these tests? I'm going out my mind with worry, have noticed I get more pain after a big meal.

24-02-13, 19:35
If you are getting more pain after a big meal then it could be gall stones. The blood tests would have shown if it was anything more sinister. It could also be IBS pain.

24-02-13, 19:43
Thankyou Annie , I'm just rubbish with health anxiety : ( just always think the worst x x