View Full Version : Going back to work

24-02-13, 20:22

I was actually signed off work for a while due to my anxiety and OCD. Anyone out there who is in the same position know that there isnt much financial help for those suffering with the conditions above so i had to go back to work.

i have been there a week and my anxiety is through the roof. i have to work as i have a house to pay for... but i feel like its really harming my progress. the time i spent at home working on my issues really helped me... and i thought that i could manage going back to work but its appears that i cant.

does anyone have any tips or anything that may help me? i take medication, but its not enough


24-02-13, 21:00
Hi Riablo,

I don't have any advice for you I'm afraid but I just want you to know that you're not alone. I too was off work for some time and went back last Tuesday. I'm on a phased return so it's only part time for the moment.

I have gone backwards, not forwards, during the last week. Every day I thought it would get a bit better but the 4 days got worse. I had a massive panic attack on Thursday which I'd not had for a while, gone back to not sleeping well and being constantly anxious. On Friday it was all I could do not to run out of the office screaming.

I am considering packing it in before I end up back where I started - or worse - but have decided to see how this next week goes first.

Remember - we've done really well to get back to work in the first place. However our health has to come first, as many wise people on this forum have told me.

I will be thinking of you tomorrow and I hope things get better for you :hugs: