View Full Version : Weird knot feeling in lower abdomen (contains scary health stories)

24-02-13, 21:26
I have this strange feeling like a knot in my lower left hand abdomen. I can't feel any lumps from the outside yet it feels exactly like there is a lump or swelling of some sort in there.

I googled it (obviously, this was stupid) and got diverticulitis. This terrified me because a friend of mine's mother was diagnosed with this then it turned out in the end she had cancer and she died 6 months later. I have also been constipated and another friend of mine's mother went to the Dr with what she thought was constipation and it turned out to be advanced liver cancer and she also died. I know these women were quite a bit older than me, but I am 35 so not so young any more and I keep thinking of horror stories like these; the fact that I know two people who've had this happen makes me think it must be quite common.

I am so so worried that I have bowel cancer or ovarian cancer (also know people who've had both of these) and I am not going to see my children grow up :(

I'm bloated a lot of the time and often constipated and have gas. I don't have any pain though.

24-02-13, 21:31
35 is comparatively young or at least not old. You're still at the point were your unlikely to have these serious health conditions. From what you say there doesn't appear to be anything that we don't all experience from time to time, i.e abdominal pain. What's more is that, for me anyway, abdominal pain is the most common way my anxiety manifests itself physically. You could be obsessing over it making it worse, making you worry more, making it worse still!

24-02-13, 21:42
The best thing you can do is see a doctor and they can do tests if necessary.

I have Crohn's disease and diverticular disease and IBS.

Yours could simply be IBS but you need to get it checked out by a professional to be sure.

24-02-13, 21:51
The thing is I hate going to the Dr. I think they won't take me seriously because of my HA. I also deep down am scared of hearing bad news. And I don't want more unnecessary tests as I have had so many in the past, but then how do you know which ones are necessary and which aren't? I guess all I can do is wait a couple of weeks and see if these things are still going on. I thought my anxiety was getting better but the past week it has flared up again. I am also having anxiety over my son which I had really badly back in the summer.

24-02-13, 22:03
It is better to hear bad news and get it treated than leave it too long though.

See how it goes like you said then make a decision about the doctor's.

Daisy Sue
24-02-13, 22:37
If you think the doctor will too readily assume this is your health anxiety, then maybe take a diary of notes with you.. write down all the stomach symptoms you notice for a few days then take that with you.

The fact you don't have pain is good, although bloating & gas can be really uncomfortable.

I'd definitely say see a doctor - it sounds like you need reassurance about this.

12-12-14, 01:11
Ive had all these same tests on this mungeral knot in my guts same results there is nothing wrong why are you here , then I turned yellow and got admitted to hospital ,gaul bladder removed gaul stone in bile duct Removed ,few complications when bile duct was punctured but lump and shocking chest pain GONE! (After about 8 weeks in hospital)Couple more trips to hospital with fluid around hart . All good for 12 months, so ate everything I shouldn't drank as much grog as I could and still do, Bloody lumps back ok cut out the drink white bread brown bread ,list goes on! Had a stint on Ibs support tablets bit of success. trying to find the culprit and cure nothing made any difference so I eat what ever I feel like an drink as much as I want again ,. BUT I've been using a nerve stimulator or a tens machine it works wonder for muscle pain back leg arm ect , basically massages what ever area you stick the pads on with small shocks,I got it from chemist was about $150 dollars best money I've ever spent , I now use this on this ******* knot in my left side under ribs and left side lower abdomen I put the pads of the tens machine on the areas that are affected and let it do its thing for half hour to hour when ever it flairs up, I get up to 5 days with no knot .

12-12-14, 01:42
The thing is.....

The thing is.... you have a choice. Worry about it or go have it checked. It really is as simple as that. I can assure you posting about it won't quell the fear. One way or the other you'll have an answer and be able to address it whatever it is.

Positive thoughts

12-12-14, 02:03
there is nothing in your lower left side abdomen except your intestine.

when did you last have a proper bowel movement?

think you need to eat some prunes-or figs as they seem to have replaced prunes with!

28-02-17, 05:05
Hey there ! I have been experiencing the exact same thing as you. I would like to know, after all these years, if you have been able to find a solution to your problem ? and if so, what was your problem?

28-02-17, 05:53
Hi Sassy, wow, this is an old post of mine, and five years later I've made it to forty and I'm still here :roflmao:
I never found out what this was. I went to the Dr and I think they just said I was feeling normal tissue. It must have gone away or been replaced with some other obsession of mine. I remember being convinced it was something bad, but it obviously was nothing in the end.