View Full Version : minor miracle

24-02-13, 22:10
minor miracle has happened today bearing in mind on wednesday i was in tears at the drs , action come down from 45mg mitrazipine to 15mg and get me onto 75 mg venlfaxine, on wednesday i could not walk 5 mins.
to today i woke up feeling great and thought sod it im guuna play in the golf tounement at my local club there was 30 odd players there but i coped well it took 4 hours so thats a hell of a walk for me especially after having pancretitis, diabetes which im trying to get use to , i really enjoyed it no weird thoughts of having to run of the coarse due to anxiety or droping dead on the coarse which ive had in the past, i managed all 18 holes anxiety free yeh i took my meds but would have done that anyway.
im 9 days af but thats never been long enough to get me anxiety free .
i have to ask how did i wake up feeling so good , calm and confident ?
i did spend an hour this morning asking my family shall i go for it as it ment a lot of pressure that i could easily do without, they daid only u will no i just went for it.
now im not counting my chickens before they have hatched but how the hell has this happened?
surely the ven has not kicked in yet? is it that the mitrazipine was making me ill ??
this is the first day ive felt like my old self in ages . i no i could dip back but i could not see playing golf for a long long time i wondered if i'd ever play again.
so can i now build on this will i awake tomorrow feeling great again i dont no ,
my mum picked me up as i didnt want to go in the bar and wait for a lift i gave her a big hug and kiss and said i did it.
i pray i can stay on this roll xx

24-02-13, 22:15
Max that's fantastic! Well done :yesyes: :yesyes:

I get a lot of ups and downs but this sounds like great progress and I really hope and pray that it's the start of a better time for you x

Daisy Sue
24-02-13, 22:42
Sounds like whatever you're doing re meds, it's right for you, so keep it up! Well done, really pleased to hear you sounding so positive. :)

24-02-13, 22:56
im sat hear praying this wasnt just a one of , i imagine i will still get down days but if i can get back into my golf , it will give me the confidence to work, im really starting to think it may well have been the mitrzapine getting me down, ive not been right since ive been on it although i have drank on that med, i better not get carried away im just grateful for a nice day today. it was so nice to be a bit like the old me

24-02-13, 23:10
I have replied to your pm and words can not explain how happy I am for you today :D

25-02-13, 09:00
I am so pleased for you and long may it continue. If you do happen to have a bad day any time soon, just remember your day of golf and build on that.

25-02-13, 09:57
well ive woke up this morning not feeling as good as yesterday, but still better than i was midweek and im yet to take my meds with breakfast , didnt go sleep till 1 30 cutting back on the mitraz has made me feel way less tired in the evenings

25-02-13, 10:02
I'm interested in your experience as I am reducing mirtazapine at the moment and feeling very scared as to whether I'm doing the right thing. But I'm 100% sure it has been responsible for my increasing anxiety in the mornings especially, and I had a great day last week when I forgot to take it one day! Good luck!

25-02-13, 10:05
About time you had a good day Maximus XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

25-02-13, 10:14
I'm interested in your experience as I am reducing mirtazapine at the moment and feeling very scared as to whether I'm doing the right thing. But I'm 100% sure it has been responsible for my increasing anxiety in the mornings especially, and I had a great day last week when I forgot to take it one day! Good luck!

i cant be sure its the mitrazipine yet , like i said im not feeling as good but dont have that sick in the stomach feeling first thing in the morning like i had on mitrazipine, venlfaxine is in the same family of drugs so its a bit of a lottery, many times ive gone to sleep like last night and woke up not feeling so good.
if i was u i would see your gp about the situation ie i wouldnt come of it without there say so

25-02-13, 10:27
i cant be sure its the mitrazipine yet , like i said im not feeling as good but dont have that sick in the stomach feeling first thing in the morning like i had on mitrazipine, venlfaxine is in the same family of drugs so its a bit of a lottery, many times ive gone to sleep like last night and woke up not feeling so good.
if i was u i would see your gp about the situation ie i wouldnt come of it without there say so

No, I wouldn't come off it on my own, my GP has agreed to me slowly reducing the dose - 30mg and 15mg on alternate days at the moment. Not helping much yet but I'm trying to be positive! :)

25-02-13, 11:09
ok well has he not tried to to start u up on a different ad

25-02-13, 11:54
ok well has he not tried to to start u up on a different ad

No, because I tried several different ones when this all started last year and they all disagreed with me so I don't think they'll want to try anything else. My hope is that I can just manage on a reduced dose of mirtazapine.

25-02-13, 12:28
best of luck i truly believe 45mg of mitraz was doing me no favour and i guess if we start to think that then thats half the problem , we r telling ourselfs constatly things arent right, and of coarse that dose may not be right for our brain chemistry

25-02-13, 16:56
Interesting session with the psychiatrist this afternoon. I'll post it on the thread I started today 'Not looking forward to seeing the psychiatrist'


28-02-13, 20:53
im not complaining but woke up feeling pretty good this morning and there was a golf competiton at my local golf club one slight snag though my brother couldnt make , i played my first competion in ages on sunday but that was with my brother so i felt kind of relaxed,
today i had to play with 3 people i dont really no this had me thinking this morning the old shall i shant i thing, anyway i went for it and it went well even went in the bar afterwards and had a bottle of water whilst everyone else was drinking , came how and went for my daily coffee at nans.
im 2 weeks alchol free so that is obviously helping , ive come of the mitrazipine and gone on the venlfaxine, but how have things turned round so much it was only 8 days ago i was at rock bottom .
i cant work it out , i keep thinking tomorow its gunna come back and hit me right in the face

28-02-13, 20:56
You are doing so well! Really proud of you :yahoo: You have achieved so much in a short time, well done :D

28-02-13, 21:04
i dont understand it . it all seems to be to good to be true , i still wake up and fe
feel dodgy till ive had my meds but then things pick up

28-02-13, 21:15
Don't try to understand it...just enjoy it :D

28-02-13, 23:22
yeh im enjoying a break from constant anxiety i love my golf and its been killing me watch my brother going to golf over the last year now i can join him

01-03-13, 06:58
Really happy for you, just get out there and enjoy your life, you are doing so well.

04-03-13, 21:28
well i went from feeling this good to feeling as bad as i ever have , shocking anxiety, bringing up my lunch just through nerves this all started thursday night with this job offer, since then ive been a wreck, wether its coz ive come of mitrazipine and gone onto venlfaxine i dont no but i can honestly say ive hit rock bottom played snooker with my brother today what a state i was in you could see it in his face he felt sorry for me, they should never have switched me from lorazepam to diazepam having said that i was on such a good run, its getting to the point now where enough is enough

---------- Post added at 21:28 ---------- Previous post was at 20:31 ----------

why cant someone take me away and make me better

05-03-13, 07:39
well i went from feeling this good to feeling as bad as i ever have , shocking anxiety, bringing up my lunch just through nerves this all started thursday night with this job offer, since then ive been a wreck, wether its coz ive come of mitrazipine and gone onto venlfaxine i dont no but i can honestly say ive hit rock bottom played snooker with my brother today what a state i was in you could see it in his face he felt sorry for me, they should never have switched me from lorazepam to diazepam having said that i was on such a good run, its getting to the point now where enough is enough

---------- Post added at 21:28 ---------- Previous post was at 20:31 ----------

why cant someone take me away and make me better

Really sorry Max, it will get better, it could be caused by switching your med's. Lorazepam to Diazepam is quite a jump in itself. The old more confident you will resurface again, very soon I hope.:bighug1:

05-03-13, 12:44
well iv'e been sick again this morning got a banging headache , feel like iv'e hardly slept its just getting worse and worse got golf practice for the team later really dont wanna do it

05-03-13, 14:00
Sorry to hear that Max, I have replied to your PM. Stay positive, Kitti xx