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25-02-13, 01:49
To people who have never experienced a panic attack, I like to say "its like a bad acid trip, but more scary.." And though most of them have never used acid, its easier for them to imagine than a panic attack. Lol.

I get them mainly when my blood sugar is low. If I drink too much one night, I'm guaranteed to have a panic attack the next day. : /

I took benzos for them and had a very uncomfortable w/d..

I developed agoraphobia during that time, but have mostly conquered it due to having given myself exposure therapy.

25-02-13, 01:59
Hi sixdoubleuseven

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

blue moon
25-02-13, 05:47
Thank goodness I have never had acid.....lol:wacko:

25-02-13, 08:53
You are doing a great job dealing with your anxiety. Exposure therapy seems to work for a lot of people.

Welcome and good luck.x

25-02-13, 16:07
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.