View Full Version : the question we all have

25-02-13, 04:10
I have the question most of us have ,how can this just be health anx I mean the feeling seems so real and the what if are so strong ,,I haven't felt good in 5 years :( every day allday I may of have a few days were I felt good but how can this be anx ..I have atleast 1-2 panic attcks everyday I go from one thing to another everyday ...I am not living all I do is run to doctors begging for test for everything to be normal I really don't no were to go from here ..I am at the end of my rope how can anxiety make me feel ill allday ..that's the question I really wanna know and how is it possible to get this to stop I have no life ...I have over maybe 20 or more symptoms a day ...does anyone besides me have these feelings allday and they never go away ...

25-02-13, 04:37
I don't really know what to say, I can't really offer any advice.. All I can offer is: no you're not alone in feeling like that. Just before my latest panic attack I had 50 million things wrong with me everyday. Then I had my panic attack, and all those things disappeared. And now it's other stuff. The hope I'm clinging to is that maybe controlling my anxiety will make it all go away, and I won't stress over the slightest little thing, or imagine things being there that aren't.

But you're definitely not alone in how you feel.

Best of luck to you, take care.

25-02-13, 04:40
thank u ...its so hard to tell myself its all anx when I feel so bad ..everyday its maken me depressed :/

25-02-13, 09:54
i hope that this might ease you somehow,i have been exactly what you are for the past months...feelings so real,frightening thoughts,tired body and mind exhausted at times cannot focus on other things just in my self,aches in my body 24/7 panic.almost everything.I just dont feel normal anymore.Tomorrow i will have amammogram and ultrasound its my first so i am really into panic state now..:(

25-02-13, 12:27
Why are u haven them test ?

25-02-13, 19:42
Hi I have these feeling all day and I am sick to death of it. I have had loads of tests to rule out diseases but still feel like I am seriously ill. Apparently my central nervous system is in overdrive making me feel like this, but it is just so hard to accept. I know how you are feeling :hugs:

25-02-13, 21:10
You're not alone. I wish I had the answer but I don't. Just know I understand and my heart goes out to you because I feel the same way all day everyday. :hugs:

26-02-13, 01:18
Thanks so much for the replys ,, t

26-02-13, 04:30
From Wikipedia:

"In psychiatry and psychology, a somatoform disorder is a mental disorder characterized by symptoms that suggest physical illness or injury – symptoms that cannot be explained fully by a general medical condition or by the direct effect of a substance, and are not attributable to another mental disorder (e.g. panic disorder).The symptoms of a somatoform disorder are considered to be due to a hard wiring problem within the brain where thoughts are sent down into the body through the Autonomic Nervous System to become symptoms instead of being sent up into the conscious area of the brain. In people who have a somatoform disorder, medical test results are either normal or do not explain the person's symptoms, and history and physical examination do not indicate the presence of a medical condition that could cause them. Patients with this disorder often become worried about their health because doctors are unable to find a cause for their symptoms. This may cause severe distress. Preoccupation with the symptoms may portray a patient's exaggerated belief in the severity of their ill-health.Symptoms are sometimes similar to those of other illnesses and may last for several years. Usually, the symptoms begin appearing during adolescence, and patients are diagnosed before the age of 30 years.Symptoms may occur across cultures and gender.Other common symptoms include anxiety and depression. In order for an individual to be diagnosed with somatoform disorder, they must have recurring somatic complaints for several continuous years."

From what you wrote, that sounds a lot like you - and most of us in this forum. Google "somatoform disorder" for more - maybe realizing that it's a very real psychological disorder will help you but if you're not already doing so, you should seek the services of a good psychotherapist (LPC, LMSW, PhD) and Psychiatrist (MD).

26-02-13, 19:25

26-02-13, 20:22
I wish I could say just do this one thing or take this one med and it will be perfect but I can't. I have dealt with HA for going on 20 years. I can honestly say I am better today and have been better for several months but I am not cured but life is better. What has worked for me is, keeping a symptoms journal that I can reference. I find that when I get worried I look up that symptom in the journal and find that I had it X number of times over the years and nothing came of it. The more detail you write down the better. I also keep an prescription on hand of xanax. I haven't had to take it in many months but it makes me feel better to know I have it. I exercise a few times a week, maybe only 30 min at a time. When I think I am having heart or lung issues, I will go to the gym and do something really strenuous to prove that heart and lungs are good. I also really enjoy 30 min of yoga a couple of times a week. This helps workout the large amounts of tension I carry all over my body. Next read the books by Claire Weekes, they are wonderful. Try to get consistent sleep. Lack of sleep sends me over the moon with anxiety after a few consecutive days of only a few hours a night. For me I have IBS so I frequently fear bowel C. I take daily fiber and that helps keep things more normal.

Anyway, I really know where you are now. I hope you feel better and keep posting if it helps but try and distract your mind to break the cycle. Good luck.
