View Full Version : Hello Everyone

25-02-13, 05:09
Hello, my name is Richard Syjuco.

I am a 24 year old male who lives in Surrey, BC Canada.

I'm not exactly sure how to do this so I just will. I feel like my anxiety has gotten to the point where I felt the need to register on such a forums just so I don't feel so isolated with my problem. I live with my loving parents and I have two very supportive brothers, but they can only understand so much.

My anxiety started back in October when a co-worker said I might have sleep apnea (Which I did check out with my doctor - thank god I don't have it). But this was the tipping point. The catalyst of all my emotional distress. Because of this, my anxiety snowballed into the mess that it is right now.

At first it was the Sleep Apnea scare which prompted me to start looking after my own health (after I went through a bout of depression). But that is what started by own health anxiety. Everything about my health was a concern for me, but especially my heart. I started noticing how my heart rate was increasing, and chest pains would always be bothering me. I got it checked out by my family doctor (who just dismissed it as nothing to worry about - she didn't even do a physical examination).

This only added to my anxiety. I then when to two different walk-in clinic doctors, both of which did physical examinations and told me my heart and lungs were fine. The second one ordered an EKG and a Hemotology blood test just to be sure. She said would call back if there was a problem, but she could tell my anxiety was a problem for me, and told me that it was a problem I needed to address. She also told me it was important to accept that if the tests came back normal, then there really isn't much more to be done.

So here I sit. One week later, no word from my doctor (which means the tests came back fine). Struggling with my Anxiety. I'm already looking into self help but I feel so alone and desperate. Its beginning to interfere with my day-to-day life. I get daily panic attacks, I'm beginning to have trouble sleeping and my appetite is becoming affected. I'm becoming indecisive and sometimes I have a hard time focusing (especially when I'm in panic mode). Half the time I feel fine, line I'm living my life, yet the other half of the time I feel very stressed, alone, and afraid. I'm thinking about seeking professional help.

Anyhow, that's just me in a nutshell. Hope to find something here. Anything.

Pleased to meet you all.

25-02-13, 05:20
Hi Rijasy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Daisy Sue
25-02-13, 08:30
Hi Rijasay, welcome to the forum :)

I would certainly try and relax regarding your heart and lungs - it was probably anxiety itself that made you experience the chest pain and increased heartrate.

But I would agree with seeking some outside help for the general anxiety and panic attacks... see your GP again, and maybe ask for a CBT referral?

25-02-13, 08:47
They do seem to be anxiety symptoms that you are suffering with. I would try and do some relaxed breathing exercises and muscle relaxation. Perhaps your GP has a counselling service that would be able to teach you how to do this. You can also search online and within NMP to find information on how to do this correctly.
CBT is also a good idea, have another chat to your doctor.
Good luck.x

25-02-13, 16:07
Hi. Welcome to the forum. I hope you find lots of help and support, as I have.

25-02-13, 16:43
Welcome Richard

I agree that it appears you have classic anxiety symptoms but you will benefit a lot from NMP by reading the many articles and good advise by many members.

26-02-13, 04:58
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I'm feeling somewhat better today. You'll probably still see me around though. :)