View Full Version : Heart Murmur

25-02-13, 07:49
Hello, need some help. I am a 69 year old female. Went to the docs about something else and came out finding out I have a heart murmur which may be due to a scarred up valve. Currently awaiting an echocardiogram. I am so frightened of what they will find and what the future is for me. Does anyone else have any experience of this.

Daisy Sue
25-02-13, 07:56
Lots of people have heart murmurs and they're not aware of them until some doctor or other discovers it.. Maybe this is simply the case with you. Try not to worry unduly - you don't know the full story yet, & remember there are many drugs & treatments out there for heart conditions, if it does turn out to be anything.

25-02-13, 08:00
Hi Frankie123

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Granny Primark
25-02-13, 08:30
I had an heart murmer. I know its worrying but loads of people have them and are not aware of it. Big hugs xx