View Full Version : Need some advice re meds

Silly Blonde
08-09-06, 13:22
I've been feeling really terrible this last week - feeling sick with diarrhoea - worse when I wake up. And have been having the usual low down tummy ache.

You may remember from my earlier posts that I had a failed attempt to quit my mirtazapine. I was on 45mg, then dropped to 30mg, to 15mg and then stopped too suddenly. I made the decision to retake 15mg, but when I saw my psych he told me to up them to 30mg.

I have been trying to "manage" on 15mg, as I felt I would be "letting myself down" if I went up to 30mg again, but as I'm feeling soooooo ill, am considering upping to 30mg tonight. I am thinking, so what, if I need em so be it.

I still cannot believe how bad I feel. Feel like I have a lead weight tied round my middle with really horrible heavy feeling around my tummy and lower back. And I really feel "ill", ie tired, sick, and generally unwell.

What do you guys think??? Why am I worrying about increasing if that may make me feel better?? I think its because if it doesn't make me feel better, then I'll start thinking that there is something physically wrong with me.

My acupuncture no longer seems to be helping, and so I am back in the depths of despair, convinced 100% that I have some form of the C word. Surely "emotional" things can't make me feel this ill!!!????? I really feel like I'm on my last legs!!

Sorry for the extra-long rant, just don't know whether I'm coming or going :(


08-09-06, 13:51
Hi there silly blonde
well Ive been on mirtazapine on and off for a while now. My GP originally prerscribed it and the chemist gave me the soltab (disolve on tongue type). I did not feel any better, in fact felt far worse (bad stomach, very low feeling etc )so after two months the gp tried something else.
A long time later my psych prescribed them, but with my memory problems as they are I didnt know what was what and the chemist gave them to me in tablet form (swallow with water not disolve on tongue) and I started to feel a bit better for them, however when I went to GP for a repeat prescription the chemist again gave me soltab and again I felt awful on them, so when I next saw the psych he said the two tablets are basically the same but work in different ways, that is one is slow release (I think disolve on tongue was slow release). I am now on the tablet type and make sure chemist gives me those, they are helping a little, although I seem to be getting used to them and the benefits do not seem so good.
Maybe you should have a word with your GP and psych, and see what type best suits you !