View Full Version : 'No More Panic' Really Helps

25-02-13, 10:26
I just wanted to say that this website has been so helpful for me over the last few years. I haven't been a super active member but whenever my health anxiety is getting on top of me I always come back here. I've suffered with bad health anxiety/ general anxiety for a long time and have since become depressed within the last few years.

The symptoms page is the best place I've found online for reassuring me that I'm ok, without making me feel judged or stupid. It's such a welcomed change to most other forums and sites that only seem to scaremonger!

I am in regular contact with my GP and on medication to help me deal with my issues and I also see a counsellor. But the No More Panic site is a reference and community that is there for you 24/7. I hope others that suffer from mental ill-health get as much reassurance as I do. :)

25-02-13, 11:22
How lovely that you took the time to say that.

I wish you all the very best of luck, ha is truly destructive and irrational but no less real to those who have it.


25-02-13, 14:26
Hey mistymorning - i totally agree with you about this site; it's brilliant and so are all the lovely people on it.

25-02-13, 14:48
I agree too :D

Daisy Sue
25-02-13, 15:35
Me too :) we can all find facts and information on the internet, regarding our various conditions and worries, but the community spirit here is something else, and very valuable.

25-02-13, 19:57
I totally agree. I've found that people don't understand anxiety unless they've experienced it and this is a fantastic place where people get what you're feeling because they feel it too.

27-02-13, 14:21
Completely agree, excellent support site :yesyes:

27-02-13, 14:47
this is better than google ,so befor u google come here may find what u are looking for :)

01-03-13, 10:33
Couldn't agree more. This forum is a lifeline for many

eternally optimistic
01-03-13, 10:58
Ditto all the comments - thank you nmp

01-03-13, 17:06
I have been lurking on this forum for a little while and I think it is great reasurance that we are not alone in what we suffer as the worst thing about ilnesses like ours is that we think that we are the onlyones that are living a nightmare when infact there are many many others who suffer exactly the same as we do.

Its always good to talk your problems and it is great to have a community of like minded people to talk to. :hugs:

01-03-13, 20:57
Yes nmp as helpd me alot too. When i,ve had my anxietys i,ve turnd to this site & you know you are not alone. Wish i,d of joind 5yrs ago when this horrid anx/panic took a hold of me. But i know im not out of controll with it it,s just that it,s too in controll. Xxxxx

01-03-13, 21:12
I just posted this on the other thread as I feel so strongly about all that has gone on today, I only caught up a little while ago and was really shocked.

"I just wanted to say that I found this forum at the lowest point of my life, I had been lucky enough not to have suffered with anxiety before however when I did and I started on Fluxotiene and the side effects made me hit rock bottom, I happended upon this website and it honestly got me through this horrendous time and that is why I have stayed to help people if I can but also for the continued support, it is such a shame that others will not be able to happen upon it like me and benefit so much however I support whatever decision is made and hopefully in the future when everything has settled down and perhaps some more security put in place it will change.

I just want to thank Nic and her team for helping giving me my life back. "
