View Full Version : Sounds silly but it's causing me to panic

08-09-06, 14:41
When I sit down and my back touches the chair etc, I feel a pain in my back, like I'm leaning on a spot or an insect bite.
I have looked in the mirror at my back and no spots are there to see or anything else to see.
When I press it with my finger it hurts.

I have had it for three days!

As I suffer from health anxiety, this is making me panic with worry.

It sounds daft but I suppose it can not be anything serious?

My tummy is the same but I have about five insect bites, which stand out.

08-09-06, 14:54
It could be something really tiny like a nick in the skin or just a surface level skin irritation which is unfortunately just hitting against the chair. Does it happen only in a particular chair, for instance, or is it when you sit down generally. You are probably just stressing over it - as we all do when we are feeling very vunerable. Sometimes we just need some reassurance. Does it hurt when you press the spot with your finger?

08-09-06, 14:56
I get worries like that as well which seem silly but make me panic. Sounds like maybe you have bruised your back or trapped a nerve at some point, hence it being tender when you touch it against something.


08-09-06, 14:57
actually! the other day i banged my lower back, and when i touched it later, it sent a pain right up to ma ickle brain! instant headache. you may have banged it and not known.
Becci x

08-09-06, 14:58

It does it where ever I sit and It hurts when I press it.


08-09-06, 15:06
it could be a bite or a spot thats under the skin i've had those they're not visible but when touched they hurt especially if on a nerve


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

08-09-06, 17:04
It sounds like it could be a small spot under the skin, i get these and they can be painful, especially when you have anxities about your health like me and your sensitive to any pains you feel.

Ive had a couple of these on my scalp and it was very worrying as i thought it was some sort of tumour growing out of my skull....[:I][:O]

Try not to worry about it, im sure it will be fine.

Take care xx

08-09-06, 19:23
When i am anxious i always get sciatic and hip pain and those areas are always painful to touch even though theres nothibg to see. This time round it was my abdomen and it really hurt.