View Full Version : Does this sound right?

25-02-13, 17:10
Hey guys, this is my first time posting on here.

I've never thought to do something like this before, but I think I need some support to kick this horrible cycle of anxiety. So a little about me, I'm Simon, 19 and currently in university (studying physics).

Now, I need some help here, I have health anxiety so most of my problems are centered around body checking/watching. Anyhow, today I noticed that when I woke up @6 after 8 hours of sleep, I was still a little tired.

I brushed it off and went to class, 10am - 2:30pm, I felt myself getting more and more tired. As well as cold and shivery. Now, I've just woke up (5pm) after sleeping for about one hour.

Now I'm full on shaking and very cold. I don't understand why, the heating is on and I have a jumper on. I'm starting to worry, saying as I've had enough sleep and what-have-you.

Anyone else get these symptoms?


** side note:
The past few weeks have been really bad ones for panic attack episodes, they've crept up to 2-3 a day from 1 every 2-3 days. So my head is telling me it's probably exhaustion but I still have to check it out.

Thank you guys :)

- Simon.

25-02-13, 17:24
WOW WOW WOW, I'm very jealous. Is it pure physics???? I'm a biomedical scientist and love all three sciences BUT especially physics! I know u might think , why didn't u doa degree I physics??? I just felt, at the time after doing a foundation degree in maths & science- before my BSc that, my maths wasn't strong enough!!! But physics is my first love. Digression over.

Your body is possibly recovering from your recent bouts of panic! Maybe also, a virus? The weathers perfect for them! I've had wired and unexplained bouts of severe tiredness but,I'm anaemic. There are many factors and in light of your bad few weeks,I'd stop counting the hours and rest as much as you can & after another week or so then maybe see your GP.

25-02-13, 17:31
Thanks. As weird as this sounds, even just posting it has made me feel better. Funny how that happens isn't it?

Yeah it's pure physics. It's a great subject, I love it! We've got a lot of math here too (manchester uni)-- but luckily I'm in love with that too! I think you should go back and see if you can study it. You only live once as they say. Try to spend it doing what you love.

It's nice to know there is another science nut on here :D


25-02-13, 17:42
I'm sooo glad your feeling better, maybe sometimes you just need to air your concerns and off load, so to speak! Just take your time try not to analyse things too much because like I said before you have gone through a rough patch recently. Having said that your a scientist so, analysing is your thing! SOOOO Manchester uni, do you have any interaction with Prof Cox??? He's amazing !!! However although I'm biologiaclly based , I don't like him doIng wonders of life ???? It's too biological , he does relate to the whole realm of science including physics, pretty well and all 3 disciplines are interlinked BUT I wish he'd stick to physics he could have done something like - the effect of physics on earth???? Momentum, inertia, time, waves etc. Id love to do physics at uni, I'm thinking of astrobiology???maybe masters or phd. X

25-02-13, 17:55
Yeah we do. He's really involved with our uni, obviously. So I've met him quite a few times. He's a lovely bloke in person.

I know what you mean about wonders! I think he could have focused more on the physical properties that govern our planet. Like you said, waves etc.

Oh astrobiology? That would be pretty interesting! Mind, I can't imagine you getting many industry jobs when studying that, I think it would be pretty academic based.

I am hoping for doing either theoretical physics or particle physics for my PhD when the time comes. Depends on what attracts me more, probably particle physics seeing as the industry/research is really taking off in the sub-atomic world at the mo.


25-02-13, 19:45
Amazing, I wasn't sure with his tv career , his family life and being at SERN , that you'd see him much at all really! I studied at Sheffield and at our graduation Professor Robert Winston presented our degrees, it was amazing. I was soo nervous, I admire the work these big science guys do. Wow! Yes particle physics mega interesting infact, fascinating. The Higgs boson stuff and research in that area must be fantasic area to get into as I said years ago about the value of c I knew there was a possibility that they would find a particle that would go faster than the speed of light. Very very interesting.
The astrobiology stuff is a bit obscure BUT with planned missions to Mars the astrobio field might gain momentum and biology in terms of getting to mars is a major research area. Getting plants to generate atmosphere of space craft , is very interesting! Have you watched the move Sunshine, Brian Cox was the scientific advisor on that film and they talk about the importance of plants and in the film this area gets distroyed by fire , which has devastating consequences. Even if I became a lecturer covering debate and theory in an academic sense , I'd love it!

On an anxiety level, keep up posted on how the sleepings going, takecare Collette :winks:

26-02-13, 09:01
Folks, as a complete non-scientist most of your conversation has gone right over my head but I just wanted to say Simon that if I sleep during the day, even if only for half an hour, I wake up full of fear, shaking like a leaf, freezing cold and generally feeling completely lousy.

I don't know why either, but it could well be the exhaustion of continual anxiety and panic. Just thought I'd let you know you're not alone :)