View Full Version : Muscle/Chest Pain

25-02-13, 18:48
Hello all-

My biggest fear EVER is dying of a heart attack at the young age of 37. Right now, I am experiencing chest pain but the pain only presents itself when I sit up straight or twist my body to the side. I'm fairly confident this is a muscle strain but I guess you can never be too sure.

The pain is right to the left of my sternum and it radiates to the side of my ribs...again, only present when sitting up straight or bending in a weird position.


25-02-13, 20:24
Hi Worrywart111

Your ok mate... Chest pain that presents like this is muscular and the good thing is you know it.

Any pain that gets worse with movement like you have said is not heart pain.
Take it from me nearly 4 years now of chest pain so old hand at this now.

Relax and apply heat to the area

25-02-13, 20:57
OK, good...I figured it was muscle related. The only thing that concerned me was that it came out of nowhere...I was just sitting at my desk when the pain came on. BUT...I can definitely say its when I sit up straight or bend over to the left or right.

Hopefully that means I'm not dying...I just hope it doesn't last for 4 years!!

23-03-15, 08:54
thanks for info