View Full Version : Mood swing nightmare

25-02-13, 22:26
Hello everyone :)
I am struggling atm from really bad mood swings and i was just wondering if anyone has any advice. I can literally go from laughing my head off to suicial thooughts in seconds.
I believe this is due to the fat i am going through a lot at the minute and trying to repress it til i find a councillor in order to get through my day to day life.
But the mood swings are obviously very confusing to me an hard to deal with but also push those away from me who i love very much. Which puts bariers up and i then have even less people to turn too.
So i was just wondering if anyone has or is suffering from the same symptoms and has any advce for me on how to deal with them because at this very second i am struggling to repress the urge to hurt myself

04-04-13, 18:54
Hey Miss Barratt, you still getting mood swings? My mood has been much the same as yours recently. I can't stay on a line, I'm either overthinking brooding and morbid with a dulled perepctive on the outside life, or overtalkative, really hungry and just wired.
I'm looking into the effects of my thoughts on my swings but it seems the slightest trigger can set me one way or the other. I'm like a wonky pendulum!

04-04-13, 23:26
I was the same for probably 5 years. I finally saw a doctor a month or so ago...after some very insensitive comments from his staff i was prescribed sertraline. It didnt fix the issues that caused the depression and the constant swings from happy to fed up, depressed etc but it has helped level them out.

Not sure whether you are seeing anyone for it but definitely worth a try!

Bobby Barratt (coincidence eh)

05-04-13, 10:09
I was prescribed that but took half a pill and threw them in the bin lol...