View Full Version : So frustrated

26-02-13, 00:44
I'm only 23 years old, and I suffer from what I believe to be severe anxiety and panic! I'm chlosterphobic, and I have a severe phobia of throwing up! My anxiety started 3 summers ago at the beach with my family. I had gotten water stuck in my ear and I had a bit of swimmers ear while I was there which made me a bit dizzy and nauseated. I then had a severe panic attack in the restaurant and I have been suffering ever since! On the way home, which was a very long 10 hour drive, I made my brother pull over because I thought I was going to be sick, now I've never had an issue with being nauseated in cars, on rides, boats, planes or anything! Now I'm not sure if it was my anxiety or what that caused it. But still to this day I get nauseated in vehicles, mostly when other people drive, I'm mostly ok if my husband drives, but I avoid traveling at all costs because I'm not sure if it has todo with my ears or if it really is my anxiety. I do have terrible anxiety about anything now, being out of my house, or being in places. I always worry about where the nearest exit is incase I need to run outside. I get overly hot, and I start to sweat and shake, I get a fuzzy feeling in my head and feel like my body is going to shatter, along with nausea which is the worst part. I've changed most of my eating habits and I'm trying to quit smoking because I know it makes it worse. I've been very stressed out lately because of personal matters and I'm trying very hard to not let it bother me to much. I have not been sleeping well in the last 3 months, my mind is literally always rushing with thoughts and when I try to clear my mind, I seriously feel stupid and I can't. It's ruining every aspect of my life! I can't enjoy anything I use to be able to! I loved road trips, and experiencing new things, and now I freak myself out before even going anywhere which causes me not to go. I seriously feel sick constantly now because of this. Almost every day nausea, my acid reflux has gotten so much worse I had to take out all of my favorite meals! I've been so irritable and cranky lately because I'm so over how I feel inside. And I feel like no one understands me, they say, relax you'll be fine it's all in your head. But if I could do that I would be like this! I had a mental break down 2 days in a row and it's worse now than it's ever been! I've been to drs and what not, but I'm afraid to get on medication because they say it doesn't help it, it just "hides" it. So if anyone has successfully beaten anxiety, panic and other disorders please let me know how you did it. I'm willing to try anything. I just want to be myself again and be able to go away on vacations and not be nauseated every time I leave my house! It's sad, I'll feel so sick in the car and then the second I know I'm almost home it goes away!!!!! Please help me.

26-02-13, 06:38
Im also 23 and going through the same agonizing pain. Anxiety and panic control my life everyday. If you need someone to talk to about it, i totally understand. Hope it gets easier for you. :/

26-02-13, 09:19
I'm also suffering from what you describe, always worry about being sick in meeting or cars with people and I have been declining social events because if this.

My doctor suggested CBT and medication, which I have started.

26-02-13, 15:56
I can never find anyone going through the exact same thing, so the people I try to talk to about it don't understand! It's frustrating... What's CBT?

01-03-13, 00:45
I can never find anyone going through the exact same thing, so the people I try to talk to about it don't understand! It's frustrating... What's CBT?

CBT= Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Basically it treats both your thoughts (cognitive) and your behaviors.
In this case the thoughts would be that if you get in a car you might throw up.
The behavior would be to not get in the car or go back home if you feel sick.
Going back home makes you feel better so your behavior of "escaping" what you think (cognitive) will cause you to get sick is something you will want to repeat, because escaping saves you from the nausea.
Cognitive therapy would involve challenging your thoughts: "if being in a car is truly what gets you nauseated then you would not be ok when your husband drives, so it is not being in a moving car what makes you nauseated".
Behavioral Therapy would treat your behavior: "if we make you get in a car enough times you will see you don't always get sick and you will overcome your anxiety".
Perhaps you could start with driving around a lot with your husband being the driver so first you get used to being in the car without getting sick. Then you could move on to something else.