View Full Version : So sick of this, is it threadworms please help me (TMI)??

26-02-13, 10:39
Hi everyone,

Im feeling so fed up atm :weep:. It started on boxing day I had itching in my bum and found a little worm (I had them a couple of times when I was younger but took meds and they went). I have had 2 courses of the tablets and one course of the Pripsen drink but I am still itchy.

Since this has started I have only actually found one worm before I took the medication and none in my poo (sorry tmi), I am not getting itching of a night mostly just little sensations throughout the day, not everyday I also get an itchy almost burning/tingling feeling after I have been for a poo I have also noticed a lot of mucus but no blood or anything. I have also got my poor BF checking all the time for me and he has never seen anything (thankfully it doesnt bother him). Of course I 'googled' and have found lots of people saying they cant get rid of them so now I am panicking so much that I am going to be stuck with them forever (thats if they are even still there).

Does this sound like I still have them or could it be something else? Please help me I feel so depressed by it all, thank you x

26-02-13, 10:44
Are you sure it isn't a pile as they itch?

26-02-13, 10:50
Hi Nicola,

Im not sure, can you actually see piles? I dont really know what the symptoms of piles are x

01-03-13, 11:41
Please can anyone help? :weep: x

01-03-13, 11:44
I was about to say the same as Nicola as they do itch and if internal you may not see them. I would suggest going to your doctor as he will be able to see.

01-03-13, 12:56
The letters TMI in the thread title should have warned you it might not be wise to read this if you have a delicate stomach, fishboy.

01-03-13, 13:47
Think this thread needs some warning, I was actually physically sick into my lap after reading this. You need to get to the hospital if you have that happening to you
I am sorry this affected you but not wanting to alarm Lorn I will add this:
Lorn this is nothing serious and not necessary to go to the hospital at all. I would see your GP as it may be piles causing the itching and even it was worms then it is something that your GP can easily fix

01-03-13, 13:53
Hi Lorn, you poor dear that sounds horrible!!

The medication is very effective for getting rid of worms, but another important aspect is making sure you don't get reinfected. So the day you take the tablet you should also wash all your bedsheets and any towels you've been using. Wash any clothes like PJs that you may have been wearing in the previous few days. It can also be good to get whoever lives with you to also take the medication, just to make sure that they aren't also infected.

Because you're so anxious about the worms you may just be over sensitive to any sensations you have going on, and you're probably noticing stuff you normally wouldn't or sensations that are nothing to worry about.

The best thing you can do is to relax, release the worry and focus on accepting that you've had this problem, it may come back again but it is solvable. Dont worry yet about not being able to get rid of them, I imagine that's an extremely rare thing to happen. Many people get these kinds of problems and they're solved so easily, you've even mentioned having them as a kid and the tablets worked fine. Focus on that, not on the rare people who continue to have problems.

If you visit your doctor they can test you to make sure you have no more parasites, and even if you do they can help you out :)

01-03-13, 16:22
Lorn, Maybe after your second dose of pripsen you will be ok.:hugs:

03-03-13, 09:03
hi , if its worms then they itch is more severe on a night . the queen makes her way to the opening of the anus to lay her eggs... its sound like worms , nothing to be ashamed about they are more easy to pass on than a common cold... how often did you take the drink for ?