View Full Version : work focused interveiw.

26-02-13, 12:07
hiya was just wondering if anyone has any knowledge of failing to attend a work focused interview.
My daughter has agoraphobia, suffers from panic attack and has since she was a child she also suffers from neurocardiogenic syncope and postural hypotension which causes her to faint. I know that work focused interviews can be carried out by phone but the man if you can call him that, is refusing to do so and says she has to go to the interview no matter what. This is impossible for my daughter. He said that I could go with her, but she still wouldn't be able to manage this. has anyone got any info that would be of benefit to my daughter?

26-02-13, 12:18
Hi motherzdelight

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-02-13, 12:20
My heart goes out to you and your daughter. I do hope she is receiving therapy to help her, and you the support you need.
Do you have a CPN or anyone like a GP who knows your daughter's problems? You could contact them, and explain this situation.
If your daughter attends the work focused interview, it would then appear as if she could work which obviously isn't the case and could trigger a panic attack that no one would want her to experience. In order for her to overcome her anxiety, she could possibly benefit from a graded exposure programme, but this would be too much for her, too soon, going to this interview.
It is very tiring when people refuse to understand and I really empathise with your predicament. My best advice is to contact someone who is a professional who can then back you up.
I know someone who rang up the benefits agency and explained the situation, and he doesn't have to attend work focused interviews or courses because of his clinical depression. Try the benefits agency.
Let us know how you get on :)