View Full Version : Been called back to the doctor - SCARED

26-02-13, 12:59
Hi all,

I posted just over a week ago about having some very slight bleeding after sex and lower abdominal pains - I was very scared and went to the doctors where she gave me a swab. I haven't had any symptoms since then - the bleeding was a one-off and the pains disappeared after a day.
I called to get my results and they said i needed to make a non-urgent appointment to discuss it - but didn't tell me what was wrong! They had no appointments left for tomorrow so now I have to be in hell until at least Thursday waiting for this!
I'm really scared and i don't know what it could be? Has anyone experienced this before? Could it be something really bad?
:weep: - any help would be hugely appreciated right now, trying not to completely freak out at work!

Kittenface xXx

26-02-13, 13:06
It was non-urgent so nothing to worry about.

Maybe they found something on the swab and want to prescribe anti-biotics or something

26-02-13, 13:43
I agree with Nic :)

The "non urgent" bit is the give away here :)

Sounds to me like they would like to prescribe something to clear a little something up. Maybe the swab picked up thrush, it could be any little infection really, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about :hugs:

26-02-13, 13:49
Aw I understand that you will be going out of your mind with worry right now! I've been the same! Bleeding after sex and abdominal pain, but mines been going on for weeks. They only test for infections at first, so it could be something as simple as thrush :) xx

26-02-13, 14:06
Don't worry Hun if they said its non urgent is not anything serious or something that needs to be done immediately so just try take your mind off it till you can get to the doctors and when you have had your appointment you'll be so relieved x

26-02-13, 15:02
Thanks so much for your responses everyone - it's really helped. You're right it's non-urgent. And if they were just checking for infection then it's likely to be thrush or something equally innocuous. If it was anything horrible or highly contagious then they wouldn't have waited for me to call them.

Thanks again, feel like I can get through the day now! I will update once i've had my appointment.
Kittenface xxxXXXxxx

mrs way to worried
26-02-13, 15:14
hey this always happens to me about blood tests and its always nothing its the waiting thats the worst , what i do is call the surgery and ask for the doctor to give u a call at the end of the day or inbetween appointments ,my new doctor always does this for me and reassures me and lets me know whats going on xx

26-02-13, 16:45
Like everyone has said, im sure there is nothing serious with your results. They would have asked you to come in there and then if it was bad.

I too have had bleeding after sex, usually 2 days after. I decided to go private and get checked as swabs showed nothing. They have put it all down to the contraceptive pill and said it was something to do with extra glands growing on outside of Cervix. I am going back tonight to retrieve smear results and talk about laser treatment on the extra glands. Im assuming smear is fine as they said it would be back on Friday and would call if something was wrong.

You'll be fine :) Chin up. Let us know how it goes. x

26-02-13, 22:27
non-urgent is exactly that...it's not urgent.
Relax, it's all good.

28-02-13, 14:43
Hi all

Just to let you know I had my doctors appointment this morning - it was just an infection; BV. Like thrush, you get it from bubble bath and stuff. I've got some antibiotics :)
I'm so relieved! i wish i didn't overreact like that every time, I always feel so silly afterwards. Must try to keep perspective next time. Thanks so much for all of your responses - coming on here helps me so much when i'm in the middle of a panic.

Kittenface xXx

28-02-13, 14:47
ahh thats great news hun :D x

28-02-13, 17:24
Yay :) no more panic !
