View Full Version : Helpful book

08-09-06, 18:45
Hey everyone,

Just thought I'd recommend a book that my support worker recommended to me!
I've only just started reading it and it has already had a big impact on me (and I'm only 60 pages in so hopefully it'll get even better!)
Its called 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle. It says it's a guide to spiritual enlightenment but if you're not into that kind of thing please don't be put off, it has some really helpful things in it like ways to change negative thinking etc.

Zoe x

To be pushed is unwillingness, to push yourself is courage

08-09-06, 19:19
thanks for that zoe, i might look into it.
Becci x x x

08-09-06, 20:18
yep me too

thank you


08-09-06, 21:47
Hey Zoe,
I have that book in my book case as we speak, i can definately give it a thumbs up, great book!! I definately try living more in the 'now'!!
Another book i would highly rate is anxiety & panic attacks by Robert Handly with Pauline Neff, really helped me think and be more positive.!

08-09-06, 22:24
Hi Zoe,

Thank you for that and thank you also Kitty.

Take Care


09-09-06, 11:34
Hi Freakle, Sen a few variations on that book when i done a serch, Is the one you have the very expensive book around £23 or there is a version around £7 to £10, Thanks for the info and hope it helps you. Vernon

09-09-06, 14:13
hi vernon,

the copy i have is £10 one, heres a link to it from amazon:


Zoe x

To be pushed is unwillingness, to push yourself is courage

09-09-06, 18:56
thanks i will look into it...........Linda[8D]

09-09-06, 23:49
Hi Freakle, got that book as new in paperback from amazon for £3.45 Pluss p&p so about £6 , not bad eh. But it isnt hard back like the one you got, thanks for the info. Vernon

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