View Full Version : Terrified of Fatal Familial Insomnia. Please help :(!!!

26-02-13, 19:34
I haven't slept in two whole days now. It started Sunday night and I was going back to college after half term that week. I did not get a wink all night. So last night I took some kalms sleeping pills at 9pm and got in bed by 10pm. Still no sleep, so about 6 hours later I got up to take some night time covonia as I also have a little sore throat and that has some sort of sedative in it. It made me exhausted but still no sleep. Around 11am I think I had a dream, and another one around 1pm as I was still in bed, but they lasted no longer than 20-30 mins each time.

I'm soooo scared of Fatal Familial Insomnia, i cant go another night without sleeping I wont know what to do :'( it's like i just physically cant sleep.

---------- Post added at 19:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:17 ----------

Someone reply? I feel so miserable :'(

26-02-13, 19:45
has someone in your family had it?

26-02-13, 19:46
Nope they haven't, which obviously is a good sign. I just keep worrying about it though. Iso exhausted but have no energy

26-02-13, 19:49
well you wont get it,its genetic...i once stayd awake for 4 days down to anxiety.

26-02-13, 20:03
Wow 4 days straight? I can't even nap :(

26-02-13, 20:16
yep,i was in a bad way but i'm still here.

26-02-13, 20:18
How did you eventually get to sleep?

26-02-13, 20:22
i went to a psych ward for some rest,they also give me tranquillisers,that was about 18 years ago.

26-02-13, 20:24
Aww well I'm glad they helped you. I don't know wether to ring my out of hours doctor servive, I won't know what to say they'll probably just laugh at me :(

26-02-13, 20:27
I had this last year, I went to the doctors told him how bad I was feeling and although im against regular use, he gave me some Valium, it worked straight away and once I fell asleep I slept for 2 days and felt back to normal afterwards! talk to someone in the medical profession when it gets this bad, you'll be fine, it's all part in parcel of anxiety, horrible but evident :(

26-02-13, 20:32
I had this last year, I went to the doctors told him how bad I was feeling and although im against regular use, he gave me some Valium, it worked straight away and once I fell asleep I slept for 2 days and felt back to normal afterwards! talk to someone in the medical profession when it gets this bad, you'll be fine, it's all part in parcel of anxiety, horrible but evident :(

Thanks for your reply. All of this is a little reassuring as I don't feel so alone. My docs app isn't until the end of the week but I really can't wait until then. I need some sort of relief tonight but I don't know how to go about it :(

26-02-13, 20:35
ring out of hours and tell them you are distressed,lay it on them,i take clonazepam when i need knocking out.

26-02-13, 21:26
Yeah I'm tempted to ring NHS direct to see if I can get an appointment. I'm worried the doc will be really rude as one laughed and sent me out from there before :/

---------- Post added at 21:26 ---------- Previous post was at 20:40 ----------

Won't be able to get an appt for tonight I don't think, as I have no way of getting up there :(

27-02-13, 10:38
My sister-in-law went through a period of months when she just stopped sleeping, would go whole nights in a row without sleeping and became quite ill. If she was prescribed sleeping tablets then she did sleep, but said she felt so ill when she woke up it wasn't worth it. Therapy didn't work and eventually she gradually got better.

This was about 14 years ago and she tells me she still has occasional nights when she doesn't sleep at all, but she accepts that it happens, goes into another bed so she doesn't disturb her husband and accepts that she'll feel grotty next day, but that it's a problem that resolves itself. So don't worry (silly thing to say, I know) it will get better :)