View Full Version : Breathlessness and random heart palps

26-02-13, 17:20
I am currently experiencing breathlessness, and random heart palpatations. I have suffered from this for a while and have had various tests, ecg, chest x ray and my oxygen levels are 98 per cent.
The breathlessness seems to be there almost constantly and I am becoming hyper aware of my breathing, which is not help my anxiety one bit. Thanks for listening, I just wondered if anyone could relate. I am fed up of feeling like this!!

26-02-13, 17:32
Can totally relate! I've been like that for WEEKS on end - just because I'm hyper-aware of my breathing. It's stopped me going out or even getting out of bed sometimes. It's exhausting mentally and physically and it's very scary having almost constant palpitations and breathlessness. Hospitals have told me I'm in perfect health (ECG, X-rays, blood tests), so nope, nothing is wrong with our hearts. Just our minds. I found that distracting my mind with the TV or with friends round was the only thing to get rid of the symptoms - it breaks the cycle! :yesyes: But of course, to eliminate the symptoms further you need to stop panicking about panicking ... that's the tough bit. My therapist helped with that.

26-02-13, 17:34
Thank you. I know what you mean about distraction helping, when I am busy I don't notice it as much, but as soon as I sit down to watch tv etc , I notice it again. It is seriously horrible, I cannot believe my SAT levels are 98 percent, they feel like they are about 40 percent sometimes.

26-02-13, 17:39
Yeah I totally know what you feel like. I tingle round my mouth and nose because of the hyperventilation but my oxygen levels are perfect.When I'm having a particularly bad day of symptoms, I take 4mg of Diazepam... (this happens about once a month) ... are you on meds or do you get CBT?

I guess for now remember that a lot of people (including me) are going through the same thing. It won't harm us, it's just really annoying huh? Wish it would go away permanently.

26-02-13, 17:45
I am on pregablin, I was prescribed proponol (spelling) but was too scared to take it. Weirdly I also get the tingling round my nose and mouth, I did not know it can be due to hyperventilating. Also get numbness side of head, I have had a lot of tests and nothing of significance has ever shown up. Is it normal to have this every day, that is what is freaking me out more than anything. GP does not seem concerned when I mention it as he thinks it is due to anxiety.

26-02-13, 17:50
My GP isn't concerned either - and he has a right not to be because it's just anxiety and I'm otherwise healthy. Your symptoms are basically exactly the same as mine. I've had strange numbness and/or pain round my head too, coupled with the tingling nose and mouth. It's mainly hyperventilating. We're breathing too shallow.

It's not normal to be like it every day. Health-wise you are fine, but mentally you're very anxious for some reason. Do you know why? Job? Family? Or just health anxiety? It's worth sorting it out to break the cycle. I'm a lot better than I used to be since seeking therapy.

26-02-13, 20:04
It's the palpitations with me they scare me so much, they're not constant but i just can't seem to stop thinking about them wondering when i'm going to get my next one x