View Full Version : holiday!

26-02-13, 17:56
Hi all,

I have got the opportunity to go to thailand for a holiday, i really want to go....but i know my anxiety will get in the way! for a start im worried about tsunamis and getting sick. I just know i will get a dodgy stomach abroad ...and i hate being sick let alone if its abroad help!!!
so far i have found about 50 reasons why i can't go but i know this opportunity will not come up again!!
Has anyone been? what do you eat? how do you avoid getting sick?!

26-02-13, 18:04
I have never been but my son spent a month there and my daughter 3 weeks. They loved the food and everything about the country. They said I should go but I am hesitant for more or less the same reasons as you. I have booked to go to Croatia and even panicking about that. My therapist had me write down the advantages of going and the advantages of not going and then went through my reasons for not wanting to go and how bad they would really be (not so bad!) I am sure you will love the country if you do go Sarah. You sound just like me thinking the worst scenarios! A few years ago we went to Malta and before we went I had convinced myself that there would be an earthquake in Italy which would send a Tsunami to Malta washing the whole country away!! Now really what are the chances of that happening. If we always looked at life that way we would never do anything and my therapist says we have to take risks in life :D x

26-02-13, 18:49
Hi annie, that is very true, and everyone keeps telling me you only live once!
I really want to do this...and if i dont i will lead a very boring life never going anywhere!!

thanks annie, i think i just have to do it! sarah x:)

26-02-13, 18:53
I hope you have a lovely time :)

26-02-13, 22:18
I've been to Thailand 3 times in total - my Dad has lived there for several years now. I always have a good time as the culture and atmosphere is so different to the UK. In fact it's the furthest I've ever travelled from home.

Which part of Thailand are you going to? I've been to the capital Bangkok, the beach town Pattaya, the island of Phuket and also the northern city Chiang Mai. Bangkok is a very crowded and noisy place, but there's lots to do.

I did have an upset stomach, but it wasn't too bad - I could still go out to places. I remember having Immodium which helped me with that. There are lots of nice restaurants in Thailand, although I would only go in ones which look reasonably clean rather than the really cheap ones. There are lots of people who cook and sell food on stalls on the side of the street, but I never buy anything from those because I'm worried about insects contaminating the food. In addition to Thai restaurants, there's lots of Chinese, Japanese, and even English restaurants you can try. They also have the usual fast food restaurants like McDonald's, KFC and Burger King.

You have thought of 50 reasons why you can't go, but I bet you could think of even more reasons why you'd like to go. :) Who are you travelling with?

27-02-13, 09:47
Hi sparkle, well it doesnt sound too bad! it's 3 nights in bangkok and then a week on the beach in phuket, with probably some islands to visit. im the kind of person that likes to stay in the uk, although i keep saying i want to see places. Its a group of girls, who to be honest are a bit of the rowdy types..if you know what i mean, they would be wanting to be off doing stuff where as i am happy to lay by the pool the whole time! the food thing worries me, the long flight worries me, the money worries me, everything worries me lol!! i suppose i can eat chips the whole time and il be ok!