View Full Version : Thinking of leaving work...

26-02-13, 18:18
Im thinking of leaving my current job because of anxiety/depression. It's a full time job and was where I had my first anxiety attack. I've tried working past it, im on medication for both the anxiety and depression, but the place just seems to override everything and set me of. I'd like to leave and volunteer somewhere else to keep up my resume and work through my problem in a better setting but like everyone else I do worry about money. I dont need a lot and have savings to last a little while but im more concerned about keeping up NI payments so I dont create trouble for myself later on and of course finding another paid job which could take ages (it took years to find this one). Has anyone else been in this situation? If I leave this job will I be eligible for any help or am I just digging a deeper hole for myself?

26-02-13, 18:21
I have been getting SSP and then had to go for an ATOS medical. They have said I can claim ESA and have put me in the working group which means they will help me get back into work.

26-02-13, 18:23

If you leave a job you will not be able to get benefits UNLESS you can prove you are unfit to work which is very hard to do at the moment. There is no guarantee on this either.

Yes you will have problems with NI payments as well but you may be able to sign on and get them paid eventually.

You have 6 years to makeup any NI shortfall as well I should add.

I worked full time when I had panic attacks, anxiety and depression and to be honest it was one of the things that helped me a lot as I knew I had to work to pay the mortgage so I had to work very very hard at getting well again to be able to do that.

26-02-13, 18:24
Oh and what is your situation at home - married? single? live alone etc?

26-02-13, 18:28
Leaving work is a tough decision, but if it is making you really miserable perhaps try to look for another job in the mean time, one that is part time at least? Or are there any family members that can help you for a few weeks, just so you can take a rest and think about your options? I work from home and I love it, as I have agoraphobia and anxiety and depression. But I think perhaps your anxiety problems won't go away completely if you quit your job, they might do. For some however, those problems linger a little after, but I think youw ill figure out what is best for you :) all the best

26-02-13, 18:36
I've been having the same dilemma does everyone think its better to carry on working or to not work ? X

26-02-13, 18:38
Carry on working definitely.

26-02-13, 18:38
For me I think it was best for me to leave, I have also had physical health problems too and it was all just too much for me. Yes I may worry about finances but I know I need time to get my health better first before I think about return to work. I tried a phased return but it didn't work.

26-02-13, 18:42
Yeh it's a tough one definitely but if I didn't work I think I'd struggle to leave the house as panic attacks are my main issue but I know what you mean Annie sometimes it feels to much I work about 50 hours a week so I think I just need to get abit more balance x

26-02-13, 18:44
That is a lot of hours...you must be exhausted! I only worked 26 hours a week.

26-02-13, 19:20
Yeh it's quite a lot !I don't know how I do it sometimes I think I put too much pressure on myself though with my family and friends it always seems to be about who's got what and what car and everything x

26-02-13, 19:26
I agree with the previous posts, carry on working if you can, but cut down your hours. 50 hours is a lot. I know it is hard to get a part time job at the moment, but it could be a good option for you. Take care.

26-02-13, 19:27
The problem for me is the place, not the work. I want to continue working as I said and if I left would get into voluntary work ASAP. I know staying in the job is a more sensible option in some regards but I do worry if I do my anxiety is going to develop beyond the place and become more about working in general and follow me regardless. There's no option for part time where I am, I've already discussed that with my boss and it was made clear that wasn't an option.

26-02-13, 19:44
Everyone's different and I was born with a CV - basically I'm sooo naturally driven and ambitious ! My panic attacks started 2 years & there is NO WAY at the moment that I could work, I've threaded recently about having to give up volunteering for 1 day a week!

I just CAN'T do it, I'm just lucky enough to have a husband BUT hate not bringing home the bacon - like I used to! Panic/anxiety and the symptoms for me are sooooo unbearable that when I'm having a flare up, simply doing the 'basic' things in life are a struggle!

It's alright people basing their opinions on their experience BUT there are soo many factors as to what caused the panic/ anxiety and also some get it so severe! So the road to recovery is not black or white!

As Nicola said - carry on working, I agree BUT........you've got to be practical & realistic ~ this is you, your life, everyone's different. What works for one , might not be so for another. You don't want to do the opposite- push yourself - push push push and then end up sooo bad your hospitalised & your return to work will be even more of a challenge.
Do you think it will do you more harm staying in your current role, as opposed to leaving???
Then as always there's the money.

I hope you get better & make the right choice FOR U!

26-02-13, 19:51
When you were working was it constant panic attacks at work or was it more of a general anxiety all the time whilst you were there ? X

26-02-13, 20:23
Hi lashes , mine were panic attacks , due to years of severe strain from complicated family crap and I was up late working , not eating , bought new house and 2 little kids one was 1 at the time so drop offs for school & then nursery. I crashed and burned! I was physically unwell, started feeling dizzy with aneamia and neglecting myself and then the dizziness turned into a fainting ,infact collapse feeling & the rest is history I started getting scared of this feeling and developed horrendous panic attacks. I persevered ,Id sit there heart going 10 to the dozen and think it will pass X WRONG got so bad I quit and ended up having a breakdown & agrophobic for the best part of 2011 - 6 months.

Now I suffer from anxiety worrying about being like this again, worrying about killing myself again, horrible.

26-02-13, 20:23
I know this is not the same but I lost my job in July which I was happy about but then had my first panic attack in August and its gone down hill since them
My oh says that if I was still working I probably wouldn't be like this although I did 50 hour weeks and that took its toll

I think you know what's right for you maybe look for another job and give your self a clear time frame say 3 months from now or something and then you've got something on the horizon to focus on
Frosty x

26-02-13, 20:43
Thanks col and frosty I think sometimes you don't realise,well i didnt by working so much and rushing from here to there with family troubles that it can all get too much That's what happened to me really I am improving and I'm definitely coping with work to a certain extent it's just anything new or different out of my usual routine that I find difficult there seems no easy answers I know my workload isn't good for me but my panic attacks and anxiety make it hard to find another job bit of a vicious circle !x

26-02-13, 20:53
Thought about this myself, love my job but anxiety is stopping me from doing parts of it.

26-02-13, 21:36
I had to leave my job in January because of anxiety and panic attacks. I think that particular job was making me feel worse because of the constant pressure I was under and it was effecting my performance. The break has helped me and I'm currently looking for another job where I hope it will be a better fit. I was accepted on JSA because I told them I left my job because of health reasons.

27-02-13, 08:47
I quit my job yesterday. I had only been there since October and since 07/01 had been off sick following a breakdown. I went back last Tuesday on a phased return and found that although I had been functioning ok before I went back, each day got worse and worse and by the end of the week I was virtually back at square one - panic attacks, not sleeping, completely overwhelmed by the job, on Saturday I couldn't even manage the supermarket.

Although the financial side just gives me something different to be anxious about, I KNOW that I did the right thing as I just couldn't function. The job was very stressful, involved a lot of travel, demanded 12 hour days every day and also I was "on call" every weekend. My boss was a bit of a bully and I just know where I would've ended up.

I am taking a week or two to make sure I'm right and then I'm going to get some temping work (no stress) to get some cash coming in, before looking for something permanent but different. Although I'm scared to death, it's also quite exciting.

Like Col I'm blessed with a supportive husband but I've always been the major breadwinner and when we sat and looked at our budget last night I felt like a complete failure....but I just could not go on at that job.

Need to have a look into benefits but from reading this thread I'm not hopeful :shrug:

27-02-13, 10:03
Ohhhh sunshine I can really relate. It's like dragging your heels through mud, that's what I can compare a breakdown and AND attacks to, it's absolultly exhausting!! Your overwhelmed, disorientated, off, panicky, tired..... It's an horrendous feeling & anyone whose suffered this , I don't care who it is , even Alan sugar, but you will eventually just - give up! When your as bad as this you need rest and time to get your head back.

Bless you sunshine, I hope your alright. Benefits you should be able to sign on if you've contributed enough NI in the last 2 years - that I'm sure of. BUT ESA...... That's a tricky one.

Takecare and it's rich coming from me but, try not to be so hard on yourself XXX

27-02-13, 10:43
Thanks Col. It's giving me great hope that so many people on here understand and don't think I'm just a little pathetic!

Do you think I will be able to sign on, I thought it only applied if you'd not left work voluntarily? I need to give the powers that be a ring today. can't quite find the motivation though - the massive sense of relief has kicked in but I just feel lethartic and unmotivated (I am watching "homes under the hammer" which gives you some indication of my mindset lol)

You take care too xx

27-02-13, 11:55
kchan i recently lost my job and have been home for 2 months .
my anxiety and panic is getting worse by the day having nothing to get up for is really bad for my head .i have just had interview for a job i can do with my eyes closed but i am so scared of doing it .
my advice dont give up your job unless it making u really ill .

sandra x

27-02-13, 12:37
I wouldn't suggest leaving your job. If the job is exacerbating your anxiety and depression then look for another job, it's easier to get a new job if you're in employment currently. Working gives you a sense of belonging, identity and having responsibility gives you a sense of importance. After reading mental health websites, including the charities, many people with disabling mental health conditions often start up their own business. I'm not saying Dragon's Den type businesses, I mean small enough to manage and enjoy. Something as simple as changing your contract from full time to part time is enough too.

I work in a stressful environment and industry which has a high turnover. I understand how it feels to suffer from anxiety, stress and depression and work in highly stressful/busy environment. I am looking for another job, something with far less guidelines, policies and acts to adhere to, but I've done the best thing by staying in my job. At the end of the day I am protected by laws like the Disability Discrimination Act so if my health get worse I am entitled to help to make my work life easier.

It is each to their own if they feel they need to leave their jobs, it's one of those things were you'd have to listen to people individually rather than have a blank yes/no answer. Just remember that the stress of applying and collecting benefits and loss of income could make your anxiety worse, when you have a stable and guaranteed job and income.