View Full Version : Constant Dizziness

08-09-06, 22:39
who else has constant dizziness/off balance that never goes away?? i have had it since july last year and is definatly my worst anxiety symptom,,just curious who else suffers from it


09-09-06, 08:56
Hi there
I had it constantly for about 4 months, it was there when I was standing, walking, sitting and even in bed, there was no escape!! It has just about gone now - rears its ugly head occasionally when I'm very tired or tense. Once I stopped letting it upset me and bother me it started to go. It will get better, try not to let it stop you doing things, just carry on through it.
take care
Love Helen

09-09-06, 12:02
Yes I have had that. I feel very unsteady and unpleasantly light as if I am floating especially when I walk or stand up. I worry that this is a precursor to a collapse ( but this has never happened). This symptom is at its worst when I am in corridors or stairways with lots of people which I face regularly at work.

09-09-06, 17:28
mine comes and goes i can be fine then suddenly i go dizzy and feel like i'm going to faint or fall over and my vision goes really strange like i'm looking through fog but then it passes


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

09-09-06, 19:10
hi i,ve had mine constant for 2 years now and i really hate it(i wander why thats the reason i still have it!!!!)it has to be one of the worst symptoms
take care rachel x

09-09-06, 19:25
i get dizzy when im real anxious cause my breathing is off.........Linda[8D]

10-09-06, 21:04
i have this most days and ive got to agree its the worst out of all the symptoms its hard to explaine but it feels as if im drunk and i loose balance also its like spinning round on the walsers anyway its bloody awful

t motown

18-03-07, 22:30
I also have the dizziness. It is worse when I am really anxious and then I am off balance as well. It scares me and I worry I will pass out.


18-03-07, 22:39
I only get it when having a panic attack or feeling very anxious.

19-03-07, 00:16
Mine seems to be really linked to my vision as well. I look at something and then if it moves slightly I feel like I am in a trimmer. My eyes are always trying extra hard to focus because I am checking for steadiness. Seems hard to explain, but i am as well feared of this. I keep trying to repeat to myself this is feeling and I am just afraid of the thoughts of what is could be not how it feels.

19-03-07, 07:43
Me too - I hate it when I get dizzy spells. Someone can be talking to me - usually when I am standing 0- and I cant breathe, feel dizzy and everythign seems to be weird around me - I know its just anxiety but I have to sit down as Im scared Im going to fall over. Wenjoy x

19-03-07, 11:44
Wenjoy it's exactly the same with me and it differentiates every time.

Some days I can feel off balance all day, other days I can just get dizzy horible spells, its all horrible!

19-03-07, 12:42
hi yes i put only when anxious,but i had it constant for 18 months and only recently since feeling alot better most days has it gone less.something else that i did was change meds and since doing this found out that the meds i had one of the side effects is this and this is when i also started to feel better,so im not sure whether changing meds or getting better has stopped it being there every day all day.tracy

20-03-07, 12:10
dizziness is quite new to me it only started a few weeks back scared me that much i went to a&e thought my heart was packing up (big fear of mine)
although i found if i dont let it get to me its not that bad, comes and goes really, thats the thing we my h/a now i think its called fluctuating anxiety
it goes as quickly as it comes were as before it was constant all day long.

20-03-07, 12:13
I experienced dizziness recently when laying down.It was awfull and really scared me.It also happens when i feel overwelmed and i cant focus on anything.But like others i feel the less i think about it the better it gets.

20-03-07, 14:54
Yep same as me, think less, get less think more get more!

20-03-07, 15:05
Like tam i voted only when anxious,BUTit was constant for ages,my daft dr told me i had vertigo..i didn't take the drugs he gave me[too scared]but i am glad i didn't as it is so much better.Definitely to do with anxiety .so you see it will get better:) .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

21-03-07, 01:43
I started having constant dizziness after my first panic attack about 9 months ago. There's good days and bad days but for the most part it's been a struggle. It's the worst symptom of anxiety for me. When it's at it's worst I sometimes feel as though I'm going to pass out!

23-03-07, 08:23
Hi guys
whats the difference between being light headed and dizzy??

23-03-07, 10:54
A while back I had this constantly for about 7-8 months and it did go away, apart from during panic attacks. It went away for a few months.
Now it has come back again - it lasts all the time - is defininitely linked to my vision problems as well as moving my eyes exacerbates the problem. But it is there even when my eyes are shut. I am now waiting for it to go away again because I constantly feel like I am going to faint, especially since I now have ectopic heartbeat which I didn't have last time round.
I also had it about 10 years ago for a year and it went away during all that time.
Weird, eh?

23-03-07, 11:59
I wake up and every day is different.

Today im a bit light-headed, yesterday night I was really dizzy and had to lay down, day before I kept getting head zaps, it's a pain in the bum!

25-04-07, 09:41
Hi,I am posting for the first time on here.I am constantly dizzy and weak,I cant even bend down to pick things up off the floor,or wash my hair without having to hold onto something.I have had anxiety for years but I would like to know is this anxiety or something else?I went shopping yesterday and felt like the floor was made of sponge and felt very heavy in my legs,please help!

14-09-08, 05:42
estha have you ever had your symptoms checked by a doctor? Anxiety can certainly make you feel dizzy and weak, I've had the weak feeling in my legs several times, feels like wading uphill through mud! But I do think its best to get checked over by a doctor if you haven't already.

16-09-08, 19:51
Hi all.

You might not know it, but about half of all patients with panic disorder also suffer from somatization.
The most common symptoms of this is either more or less constant dizziness or nausea.

I was dizzy for weeks without end. It got so bad I fainted and was rushed to the hospital. I had to be escorted to walk at the end, and had regular shots of anti-nausea meds.

Turned out there was no physiological reason for my dizziness. I was somatizing. When I was able to talk to a therapist about my stress and problems, and was told it was all anxiety and somatization it all went away. And it went away with a snap of the fingers.

When we somatize we pick up harmless symptoms of everyday pains, like a mild headache after poor sleep, or slight dizziness when the bloodsugar is running low, and we hang on to the symptoms even after they are really gone.

If you have seen your doctors and they say you are ok, it's worth taking a look at this very common problem and ask yourself if this is something you might suffer from. It's called somatization and it's not just anxiety patients who deal with it, near 30% of everyone seeking medical help are in fact experiencing somatization disorders.

19-09-08, 14:07
I have just started experiening this lately on a much larger scale -- I have been "dizzy" or "light headed" for over a week now. It gets worse when I have to use my eyes a lot, and seems to subside after a brief nap or after a good night's sleep. Then, I start thinking about it and BOOM, there it is again. It is very uncomfortable and of course I am worrying of all sorts of things being wrong with me all of a sudden. I had a CAT scan of my head a few months ago due to burning sensations, but everything was fine, so I try and remind myself of that, but this symptoms is just lingering and lingering. I know I am tense about things -- I made a list this morning of everything I am afraid of or concerned about -- but I didn't realize something like this could last so long. I have been reassured by other's comments that I am not the only one experiencing this. I know there are times I'll be doing something and all of a sudden it dawns on me that I am not dizzy. I feel a rush of happiness, then I start worrying when it will happen again and "Whoop! There it is!!" I think my brain has just picked another symptom for me to concentrate on -- but why this one???? Ugh!!! :shrug:
MIKKE -- loved your reply -- I am wondering if that isn't my problem . . .

19-09-08, 14:17
I am dizzy most of the time, and sometimes come over really dizzy.

I seem to get the impression that it's closely linked to derealisation?

19-09-08, 14:20
hey whiskers - my dizziness started with an inner ear infection several weeks ago. The infection is gone but the dizzy comes and goes. My doctor said that that can happen after a vestibular infection - the dizziness can come and go spontaneously. I find that it's worse if I'm tired, hungry or anxious.