View Full Version : Looking for help

26-02-13, 18:46
Hi everyone. So after browsing these forums for around two moths now, i have finally decided that it's probably beneficial for me to create my own profile and to get some feedback from so many of you who suffer from anxiety.

Ever since i was young i have had a massive problem with confidence; be it interacting with people, speaking up in class or even going round to friends houses. My education has been a very painful experience to say the least and although excelling academically in most subjects, i still never really accomplished what i really wanted: Confidence in myself as a person.

After finishing secondary school when i was 18 i went onto college where i would complete my degree in Business Management. Again, just like in my school years, i excelled throughout and have graduated with a 2:1. What is frustrating for me is that i feel that without my anxiety and my confidence problem i would have done a lot better, mainly through being more interactive with my peers and being able to give convincing presentations, both of which were near on impossible with my perceived condition. So now i'm thinking: shit! i need to overcome this disease, otherwise i feel that my whole effort in graduating from University was just a complete waste of time. After all who wants to hire a nervous wreck with no confidence or self-belief?

Anyway on to the more detailed aspect of my condition. For me my anxiety is without a doubt stimulated in social environments, i mean any type of social environment, be it a cinema, a supermarket, or at work; all of which are very familiar day to day environments which take up a significant part of my daily life. For me blushing is a major symptom that i experience very often, as is shaking, and the worst off all jumping and un-coordinated movements. The jumping is something that really frustrates and embaresses me. I mean i can be in the safest of environments, a supermarket for example and catch people looking at me and just jump a little. Or someone may me walking towards me and i'll jump. I try my best to overcome these issues, but for me, actively thinking "i need to stop doing this" just makes it worse. It's so frustrating. I've taken Citalopram and Sertraline (Zoloft) on and off, but to no effect what so ever; they made me feel worse if anything.

So they are the basics of my story and what i go though everyday. It would be wonderful if someone could just provide some advice or if anyone has experienced similar symptoms, then that would be good to discuss with you.

By the way i'm 22 if that's relevant.

All the best,


26-02-13, 18:57
Hi Cmack

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-02-13, 23:06
Hello and welcome to the site, Calum. I'm sure you'll find lots of help and support here.

28-02-13, 09:30
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


Daisy Sue
28-02-13, 12:41
Hi Calum, welcome to the forum :)

It sounds to me like you could benefit from joining a confidence-boosting course or something like that. Are you working at present? There are college courses which focus on life skills, socialising, independance etc., rather than any academic achievement - which you've already done. There'll be a main online site for your local colleges, and these courses may even be held part-time or evenings, if you do have a job just now.

Also, have you ever thought of volunteering to help at either a charity shop, or kids play group..? The more you can put yourself in a position where you need to talk to the public, without there being any kind of pressure, the more you'll feel confident, hopefully. :)

Oh by the way, when you mentioned supermarkets being a safe place, I smiled... supermarkets were my absolute worst, scary places when my panic attacks were bad.