View Full Version : Hypochondriac/Red face

26-02-13, 21:49
I feel this is a good place to just share some of my issues, first off I am a male. I see a lot of these threads are from females and so naturally a lot of the resolve is for a female (ex. red face= make-up). I am a Police Officer and for me I get a red face in court, when I get stressed, when i am in cold/hot weather, or if its windy, I HATE IT and its ruining my life and potentially my career, I also struggle with being to in tune to my body, every little jump in my chest or pain or whatever I immediately feel like I have an issue with my heart or if I feel something in my head I fear i'm having a stroke or whatever comes to mind. I have seen a counselor about some anxieties but only helped with the anger, I am really struggling here and I could use some serious advice. I don't have an issue wearing make-up, I just don't want it to be noticeable so I don't get picked on by my fellow officers. HELP!! :blush:

27-02-13, 00:26
You could try a tinted moisturizer or some companies make a moisturizer that is tinted green - it's designed to help with rosacia (sp) but may help for your purposes as well - and no one will notice!

As for the panic attacks (which it sounds like you're having an issue with) - try to take slow, deep breaths and tell yourself to slow down and calm down. It will get a little easier with time but probably won't ever go away entirely - just another joy of anxiety.