View Full Version : Hi, I'm Andrew

26-02-13, 21:59

I'm Andrew. I've been suffering with GAD and depression for about a year now. Although my former Councillor believe that I've been suffering from a form of PTSD since 19.

Anyway my GAD has had a debilitating affect on my life. Due to my anger and frustration as well as my fear of uncertainty I lost the girl I loved and a lot of my friends. I've had to move area to be back with my family due to the fact that my obsessive thoughts were driving down a negative path that ultimately would have led me to suicide.

I still struggle daily and offer view the world in shades of grey without taking enjoyment from the things I once did. I also find my behaviour towards others to be mistrustful and that I'm constantly on the defensive which can lead to me appearing hostile to others.

Despite all this I still have a lot of people in my life who care about me and my hope is one day to tame this anxiety beast and hopefully find a woman who can both tolerate and understand me :-).

That's a bit about me and how my anxiety affects me.



26-02-13, 22:06
Hi Andrew (My oldest son is called Andrew) :welcome:

26-02-13, 22:10
Hi AndrewNolan

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-02-13, 23:08
Hello Andrew and :welcome:to the forum.

Laz Commo
27-02-13, 09:11
Hi Andrew

The problems that you are experiencing are almost identical to the ones that my daughter suffers from. I am new on this site but I will advise her to join up and maybe you can support each other. I think its helpful sometimes to realise that others are going through similar problems. Friends,family and partners don't always understand - although we are all trying very hard!

Take care


27-02-13, 21:58
Hi guys

Thanks for the welcome. Laura I'm more then happy to speak to your daughter and support her however I can.

K I'd love to chat to you as well. Feel free to PM me.



27-02-13, 22:03
Hi Andrew just wanted to :welcome: you to the forum.

01-03-13, 10:23
Welcome to NMP Andrew

02-03-13, 08:04
Hi Andrew :welcome: in this forum.Hope have a great time with you in this forum.