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View Full Version : when did you realise you suffered with health anxiety?

26-02-13, 22:41
Just curious as to when you realised you was suffering with it as a newbie and finally deciding that tomorrow is the day I go to see my gp when did u notice and how do/did you dwal with it? I havent told anyone im close to so just curious to here peoples storys?

26-02-13, 22:47
I think I had it my whole life pretty much, but it wasn't until I was in my early twenties and it lead to an episode of major depression that I ever got treatment for it. I suppose when I was younger my anxieties were more general although I did have a fear that I would get HIV from the school taps! I also used to be afraid that my food was poisoned. I had panic attacks from the age of ten. I think I was always anxious about everything, I suspect I suffered from a form of OCD. When I was 22 I had a sort of mini breakdown and was put on anti depressants and given CBT which helped a lot. I am 35 now and it's fluctuated over the years, but always been there. Good luck with the GP. I always find it helps to write down all the things I want to tell them before I go in.

26-02-13, 22:59
The first symptom i ever got was derealisation..that was before google existed back in 1991 and wondered what the hell was wrong with me,went to a psch who told me i had anx/depression..i never thought i did,the feeling never left me so i guess i must have been anxious,had a breakdown in 95 which was my first health anxiety bout,i conviced myself i had mad cows disease..........fast forward to 2009 i got ill again and kind of been up and down since,i have always been the anxious type but it all changed drastically in 1991 when i was 18.