View Full Version : Cricked Neck and now headaches

09-09-06, 11:29
I have to say that I'm feeling the worst that I have done in such a long time.

I have been having more symptoms over the last week than I have done in ages. You can see by my posts, but two nights ago I was in bed and I turned my head and really felt something twang in my neck, it was one of those cricks that make you wince. Shortly after, I felt a headache coming on, on the same side of my head, but at the top.

The headache has continued off and on over the past few days and being in the frame of mind that I am, it making me very worried. I can still move my neck, head etc so I dont think there is anything wrong there.

Plus, I lost my glasses a week ago and have had to rely on contacts (which I normaly only use at the weekends, if at all) and an old pair of specs (but these have a different prescription in them). I'd like to believe that this may be contributing to the headaches too but my anxiety is going wild.

Why cant I get back to feeling how I used to? I'd give almost anything to throw caution to the wind and think "Its only my anxiety/worry making me feel like this" but I cant help thinking "If I disregard the thoughts, then I could be ignoring symptoms of something that is genuinely wrong" I feel like my mind is tied up in complete knots.

Any thoughts would be so very welcome.

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

09-09-06, 11:57
Hi Dan,

Oh I so know what you mean. I would love to be able to say it's only anxiety. You are not alone in your thoughts believe me. The amount of times I've tried to ignore the symptoms then thought this could be something serious and I could be dying. My recent obsession is when I hear of someone else who is seriously ill I wonder could I have that. We are all here for each other so we know we arent completely insane with our thoughts.

Take Care


09-09-06, 16:04
wearing the wrong prescription will give you headaches and i know if i wear my contacts a lot (i usually wear them a couple of times a week) i get headaches my optician said its because the vision is slightly different in contacts so if you start wearing them a lot your eyes have to readjust.

i have cricked my neck like have you tried exercising it i find it helps me i do a couple of tai chi exercise and it eases my neck.

have you got something from the freeser you can put on your head as i find that it freezes the pain away and helps with my migraines.

not sure if any of that will help


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

10-09-06, 11:35
Dan, I think you are doing the best thing you possibly can, and that is talking about how you feel, what you fear and getting some reassurance on here.

It's so hard to believe that anxiety can make you feel so physically ill, but everybody on here is testimony to the fact that it does. I think it is the most draining experience I have ever been through.

I am actually feeling much better these past couple of weeks, and I can't exactly say what the turning point was for me, but although I'm still getting many of the symptoms I was getting previously (tummy problems, palpitations, muscle tension, etc) I am now confident that they are anxiety and nothing else. Now I've accepted that, they don't bother me half as much and hopefully one day they will go away for good!

I think counselling and talking to anyone who'll listen has helped me a lot, as well as lots of reassurance that I'm not seriously ill. And even reassurance that I am still "normal" and I can't help the way that I feel, it doesn't make me a lesser person. I've stopped giving myself a hard time and started doing a few nice things when I can for me (massage, reiki, long baths).

It also helps me to look back at some of my old posts and see what was worrying me a few weeks ago, and realise how I'd forgotten one symptom or fear because it had been replaced with another!

You WILL get there - inside yourself you know in a few days or weeks you wont be feeling like you are now. I hope you are feeling better very soon.