View Full Version : I Fixed My Java!!!!!!

27-02-13, 14:09
Moooo helloooooooooooooooooo:D

Having spent the best part of today fiddling, fuddling and messing about doing this, that and something else.........reading no end of pages of info on java plugin problems.................been blinded by science.........but having said all that.....................the Moosie one has fixed her Java :yesyes: :yahoo:

See you in the chat room for quiz night :yesyes::yahoo:

27-02-13, 14:42
hey I hope maybe u can help me ..I have windows 8 and I cant get into chat at all it says I need to run java in desk top mode can u help me lol I am stuck don't have no clue ive downloaded it so many times and it still isn't right

27-02-13, 14:44
Well done Auntie Moosie (not that I even know what you are talking about, sounds very technical to me :)) :yahoo:

27-02-13, 14:50
jessicalittler79 I would love to be able to help you I really would. But I'm running windows 7 and I have absolutely no idea how windows 8 even works. Maybe do a search for a windows 8 forum and see if they can help you on there :) or maybe someone else will be along who's using windows 8 :) There should be a fix for it someone, it has taken me a while, but I'm sure somebody will be able to help you :hugs:

Thank you Annie..........at least I can go to bed tonight in the knowledge that I've actually learned something new today :) :hugs:

27-02-13, 14:53
yea I have no idea about windows 8 myself ...I called the help line they say just bring labtop in ughh wish I knew what desk top mode is lol don't no much about computers but thank u for the reply :)

27-02-13, 15:19

jessicalittler79 hello again :)

I have just spoken with my Son who's a computer tech, I hope this helps :)

To get to the Desk top mode.

1) Move your mouse to the bottom, left of your screen.

2) If you keep pressing left on your mouse, you can toggle between the desk top mode and the start screen.

3) Have a watch of the video on youtube in the link up there ^^^^ there are instructions on how to do it.

Hope this helps some :)

27-02-13, 15:48
thank u so much :)

27-02-13, 17:10
You're very welcome and I hope you have success with it :hugs:

27-02-13, 19:29
WELL DONE AUNTYMOOSIE, I hope my java works. I have just updated mine.
Will try it out now just in case:hugs::hugs:hope to be at the quiz saturdayxx

28-02-13, 10:05
Haha I've been having problems with my Java! Installed it a gazillion times and it worked, had to do a system restore and had to do it ALL OVER A-FLIPPIN'-GAIN!! Thankfully it works now.

Hopefully see you in the chats :)