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27-02-13, 18:22
I have had a couple of fasting glucose tests at my GPs over the last couple of months with the last one being the one where you have to drink the sugary liquid. I received a phone call about week later after last test and was told to make appointment to see doc so I knew immediately it was bad news. What made it worse is I faced an agonising wait of nearly 1 month for the next available appointment to see him.

Been to docs today and as soon as I saw him, his first words were "You have diabetes" and I just felt numb. Still coming to terms with what he just said, he then went through the result of the last test but he confused me as he first said the glucose level was "abnormal level" then "borderline" but when I asked him again he said it def diabetes. There was no mention of medication which surprised me as I thought I would be prescribed something. All he said is that it can be controlled with diet and that I would need monitoring with blood tests, eye tests etc and that I will be seen by a dietitian so have I really got diabetes or not?!:shrug:

I've had no typical physical symptoms either (thirst, lack of energy etc.), the only reason the doc sent me for tests is that I had a unrelated suspected urinary infection before Christmas.

Since the news I have been feeling terrible, got no motivation to do anything, just in a daze really. My head is just filling up with all these conditions and problems you can have as a result of having diabetes and just making me feel worse.:weep:

27-02-13, 18:33
Firstly please don't be frightened :)

Diabetes isn't a big scary monster. If it's well controlled you will have no problems :)

Did your doctor say you were diabetes 1 or 2??

Sounds to me that it's probably type 2.

If your doctor has said that you are diabetic then I would take that to mean that you are.

You sound like one of the lucky ones to be honest, because you're blood sugar levels don't sound too bad especially if one is reading as borderline :)

So because of that, you should be able to control your diabetes with diet alone.

Has your doctor referred you to a diabetic nurse at the surgery?? Did he give you any guidance on how to control your diabetes??

If the answer to those questions is no, then I would highly recommend that you ring your surgery and ask for an appointment with the diabetic nurse and have her educate you on what you need to be doing :)

You can also have a look at the Diabetes UK website, just google it, they have heaps of information on all aspects of diabetes. There are also a few forums specifically for diabetes sufferers, once again just google. There will be members there that will be able to help and guide you :)

But please don't be frightened. I've been diabetic for years now as has my partner and, so far, touch wood, no harm has ever come to us :)

27-02-13, 19:20
Hi Eric , as I was saying on another post every year I have a blood test (a M.O.T ) and every year I expect the worst (had this years blood test Monday ) cholesterol ( I've got this under control ) and diabetes are the concerns , but at least they can control this , and by not being put on medication is very positive.
I know what it's like having your confidence knocked , six years ago visiting the doctors looking for antibiotics for a throat infection , the new doctor I saw decided to take my blood pressure it was through the roof ! As well as that a blood test done the next day showed up a under active thyroid , I for the first time was on medication , I felt so old and like you numb , but six years later I'm no different to so many other fifty six year olds , and it doesn't bother me .