View Full Version : Thanks

09-09-06, 11:58

I'me relatively new to this site and i just want to say what a huge help it's been to me over the last few weeks.
I have been feeling pretty bad over the last few months and coming to this site has helped to calm my fears.
I talk to my family about my pas/ anxiety/ health anxiety but i think they are sick of hearing about so its so good for me to read about other peoples problems and know i'me not alone.
I suffer pretty much every symptom going on a daily basis and find it so hard to keep going. As im'e writing this i feel ok but i know that could change in an instant. Everday i think i am going to drop dead or i've got some awful undiagnosed illness.
To know i am not alone with these fears is a great comfort.
Thanks so much to you all.
Love Rosebudxxx

09-09-06, 12:03
Hi Rosebud,

What a lovely post. Ain't it great to know we are all here for each other to share our experiences.

Take Care


Granny Primark
09-09-06, 13:37
Hi rosebud,

So glad youve found this site helpful to you.
I felt alone and as tho no one understood me when i first joind this site.
I remember recieving my first reply from the post i put on introducing myself, i cried with relief cus for the first time there was someone out there who could actually understand what i was going through.
The members of this site are so supportive of each other.

Take care

09-09-06, 14:20
One thing this site has taught me is that there are a lot of us around and at last i am not on my own. We are very similar, my husband is lovely but he doesnt get anxiety and my mates all think i can beat the world with one hand behind my back!!! I also get loads of different symptoms and days when i feel completely normal. I also analyse every symptom convinced it is some dreadful desease. My doc has sent me for CBT so wish me luck!!!

Take care and nice to meet you!!!

09-09-06, 19:23
hi rose yes its good to know we are not the only ones and im sure ya family is not sick of you its just that they cant understand no one can unless they have had it or experienced it ..welcome and keep looking at the forums and good poeple here also.best to ya.........Linda[8D]

09-09-06, 19:51
Thanks to you all for your support, it means the world to me.

Love Rosebudxxx