View Full Version : Fear of anything and everything!!

27-02-13, 22:46
Hi to you all

I am having such a bad fear time, after a few years of depression all the anxiety has come back full blast and I still don't know how to deal with it! None of us do I know:weep::weep:

Example is that I have been given penicillon to take by the dentist and I know I've been on them before, now am shaking becoz I think that I'm gonna have a reaction. If my mind is saying that I've taken them before, then why am I reacting like this?

I always get Claire Weekes books out when I feel rough to reassure myself but there's not much there about health anxiety, I have the first two books that she wrote.

Anyway, just getting this off my chest.


27-02-13, 22:48
I am the same when I take medication..I just sit there waiting for the side effects to appear. My husband always tells me not to read the leaflet or I will get all the side effects on it :)

27-02-13, 23:03
I had to increase my beta blocker recently and they had no idea whether it would effect my asthma or not.

I made such a fuss over it and waited until there was a day my mum could come and be with me when I took it in case I had a reaction.

I was really nervous but in the end I was fine.

My doctor gave me some good advice. He said if I was really worried then take it in the day so I could go down the doctor's surgery if necessary or I could take it and go and sit in the waiting room until I was ok.