View Full Version : Pre-Birthday blues

28-02-13, 11:22
I'm 40 tomorrow, that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that I have no friends any more due to anxiety and panic attacks. I've cut everyone out of my life because I'm too embarrassed to tell them what's wrong and why I can't go out for meals or for walks.
My lovely partner and two sons are all I have and I'm no use to them.

He keeps saying 'this isn't how things will be for the rest of your life' but I can't see things changing because I'm too frightened to make the first steps in overcoming my anxiety and agoraphobia.

I'm so sick of the four walls. Apart from my partner there's no one I can talk to. I feel so very, very low right now.

Sorry to vent on here, but I'm so frightened that this is the rest of my life. Stuck in a house too afraid to answer the door and avoiding people I love.

28-02-13, 12:20
Hi Margaret. Happy birthday for tomorrow. You are not alone in the way you are feeling. Your post is almost identical to the one I wrote yesterday. Come and join us on the 2013 Agoraphobia Thread, where you'll find support and tips.

28-02-13, 12:28
Hello Margaret!

You sound like a wonderful person with lots of compassion for others ~ show a little to yourself :hugs:

I can totally identify with your feelings as I developed agoraphobia in the last few years. I understand how small your world becomes, how isolating this feels and how the fear that nothing will ever change can be overwhelming.

Progress is possible, so have faith that you too can move towards your goals for the future by taking very small steps towards progress.

Maybe you could view your birthday as a new and positive chapter in your life and start making small steps towards change. Every day is a new day, full of possibilities.

In the meantime, I hope that you have a wonderful birthday with your boys & hubby :)

Cat :hugs: xxx

01-03-13, 12:08
Thanks you two, I had a rotten day yesterday which culminated in a massive all out panic attack which was totally my own fault as I'd spent the entire day winding myself up.

I am very hard on myself and I need to stop it. I woke up this morning to a cooked breakfast and a pile of presents and 60 messages from old friends on facebook. I'll pop over to that thread and have a look.

Once again thank you xxx